King Hat

Pai belongs in prison.

He should have thrown a magazine in the aisle to distract the cops.

Cryogenically freezing myself until Spider-Man PS4 comes out.

a lot of the pro-spec work responses here strike me as coming from people who don’t do design work and haven’t experienced systems like these undercutting wages for the whole industry

I get the feeling the people commenting about how this seems like an overreaction, have not personally had to deal with the severe lack of stability within the games industry, and its ever-increasing reliance on contractors they can dump off at a moment’s notice

like a billion things are a sin, why not just focus on like being good and nice. but nooooo

Also, the whole “oh, you are tolerant? well, why don’t you tolerate me wanting you to die- GOTCHA! Not so tolerant now, are we!?” is SO STUPID. The cleverness level here is right around a six-grader saying “well how come the

When are they gonna make a damn sequel to Blood Dragon, damnit!?

It’s like us lapsed Catholics getting ready to nail the “and also with you” only to hear everyone else say “and with your spirit” or whatever. You’ve picked the easiest part to demonstrate your in-groupness, but totally faceplant the landing.

No joke, my parents’ pastor claims this happened to him at a midwestern state school. He told the story during a sermon that I begrudgingly attended with them. (Even at 30, sometimes it is easier for me to just give in to their wishes.) I was thinking “This guy is FULL of bullshit” but everyone else around me bought

One of the commenters below reminded me of my top 10 Christian films, in no particular order:

I saw I Can Only Imagine and I dreaded watching it because I was drug to it. And while I never thought it was going to win any awards, it did one thing well, make you cry. I’m all for crying, but I was supposed to be on a date and I didn’t care to ball my eyes out for two hours. That was a mistake because holding

Omg, is that really the plot of that movie? In 8 years of higher education, I had one professor who was an outspoken atheist, and he went on forced sabbatical after pissing too many people off (he was also an asshole, but not because of the atheism). What a bunch of BS.

I can only imagine.

How about a Shyamalon twist where a person goes around and tells all the Evangelical Christians to simply be good people, accept others for who they are, and not use their religion as a bludgeon to get what they want when what they want is antithetical to the teachings of their religion. The twist is that they kill

I loved Danny Boyle’s Sunshine. Even the third act. But probably could have named the ships something different than Icarus and Icarus 2.

I get those complaints. It wasn’t perfect, but it really grew on me. To be fair at end game I pretty much just stealth poisoned everyone to clear out a camp. It was so easy to do. But it was also the first AC game where I actually felt like an assassin.

John Goodman doesn’t need this check. That might be among the most disappointing things to me, is that Goodman — an excellent actor with a respected body of work, including the original version of this sitcom — is okay with being a part of this.

Re: #1 - It helps if you have some good pie to lure him into sticking around

Yo that new jesus LTE is wicked fast bro

A Mighty Aerial Is Our God.