King Hat

The horse will take care of galloping for a moment without slowing down. I did this colossus last night. What I did was hold triangle, swing the camera, (no holding R1 yet) then I let go of triangle and the right analog stick and focused only on aiming the bow after I was already facing backwards. It went relatively

Join the controller claw-grip master race.

I feel like if he put on a muppet costume with the half mask from Phantom of the Opera, the entire image would be complete.

oh my god. fuck those feathers. They destroyed me. Also in ACII... ugh. I did it because I loved both games. But it made me hate myself.

I hope this doesn’t awaken anything in me.

Holy shit this was the first game where I was like why the shit did I collect this crap. After that I stopped collecting everything from almost every game.

Wasn’t the feathers thing in AC2?

Very first AC collects flags, which gives you... a sense of achievement? At least you get a cape for collecting feathers in AC2, and not just any cape, but a cape that gets you killed quicker.

I thought feathers were in ACII?

That’s a real cheap shot.

It ain’t easy being cheesy


You have a point I mean I do love cunts, and I’ve seen thunder and rain...make of that statement what you will.

The latter definitely describes Donald.

I think deep down Trump knows he hasn’t done shit

“And today, bad shit happened with that one party; but the other party did things that were much less concerning.”

All you need to know about purity rings you can learn from serial adulterer and all around sin-sational guy Donald Trump, and his comically high approval rating with the morally “superior” Talibangelicals.

i am 100% with you. no other shooter can do what this game does. i think the problem might be its difficult to learn at first. so people dont want to take the time to learn it when they can just play the same shitty cod theyve been playing for years.

i am 100% with you. no other shooter can do what this game does. i think the problem might be its difficult to learn

Where else can I wall run, jet pack jump, sling shot myself across a map with a grappling hook, land on top of giant robot, pull its battery out, call down my own giant robot from the sky, eject in blaze of glory.

Where else can I wall run, jet pack jump, sling shot myself across a map with a grappling hook, land on top of

A very good and highly underrated shooter. Totally worth the $8

A very good and highly underrated shooter. Totally worth the $8