King Hat

This is what I want to understand. I mean, why do they give a shit about school vouchers in other states? Do they just want to be puppet masters and rule the world?

I think the scary thing is they actually believe the ideals they espouse. Like they legit want to make Atlas Shrugged a reality.

They want a dynasty. They want to have giant statues everywhere and they want their descendants to be untouchable god-kings.

They’re more spite than human now.

I don’t get it either. It’s like they’re bad at being rich. Failed at enjoying the fruits of their ‘labor’..

I ask this all the time. They must have spent many times more than they would save by electing republicans who will gut regulation and cut taxes. I almost understand the fundamentalist christian true believers more than someone who’s so damn hard over about republican fiscal concepts that they’re willing to spend

Precisely - I had to laugh when I saw the trailer. Such a BS romanticizing of what actually happened. People are defending the movie saying, yea but the women stayed together and raised the children after he died!...Yea, because they had kids and wanted things as they were, to stay in the same house with unruptured

The threesome never discussed their relationship, nor their sex life. We know they lived together, that he fathered children by both women, and that the two women stayed together after his death. Everything else— which is a huge part of the film— amounts to creative speculation. I liked the film, but it’s no more a

Fuck you. First, let’s get this one out of the way before you’re deservedly banned, it’s not about feeling sorry. It’s about listening, it’s about standing up, it’s about standing together and being heard.

For me, and just opinion so I speak for no one, it’s the fact that it affects the viewpoint of the generation behind us. I’m 26 and my nephew is 10 and he doesn’t even understand the concept of loot boxes and think it’s the same as a traditional microtransaction. Jason, do you believe this is a tactic that is aimed at

Making your way in Middle Earth takes everything you’ve got.

Really filthy stuff in Utah = “Ebony cursed daughter of Ham gets into Heaven as not a servant”


Watches video

Thanks for ruining my desire to time travel to Ancient Rome. :( I could have dealt with the diseases and lions and whatnot, but that’s just crossing a line.

Personal opinion, obviously, but this is the side of “fandom” I honestly can’t the people who kept screaming about Barb being the absolute best thing about Stranger Things.

Much like the aforementioned Barb, there is no character here. Just a single picture, a few voice lines, and a whooooooooooole lot of

Something to keep in mind for those of you not working in creative fields:

Imagine, for a moment, that the iconic element of the product you spent months—perhaps years—of your life on were brought to market without your ever having been involved.

Could that product still have been completed?


Would it still be

Yay, live the best you. Boo, you seem insufferable.

Doesn’t Peter Thiel want to do something similar by building a utopian libertarian island?