King Hat

The sticks with sponges that Romans used to wipe their butts. The shared ones in bathhouses.

He gets a fox. It will have to be enough.

Probably with a boat that talks to him.

Don’t you judge him! You don’t know him! Maybe he has the ability to poop his own lightning.

He’ll just have to solve a shit-ton of line puzzles on the island a la the Witness


“Sir our space ships can land anywhere.” “Nah man, land on the beach.”

“Sir, if we just cut the giant metal skull form the plan, we’d be under budget and ahead of -”

Before being tragically pelted to death with feces while attending the theater with his wife.

First of all, they might’ve been inspired by Victorian England to build the Dishonored world, but Dunwall is definitely not Victorian England. Second, skirt physics were probably hard to achieve at the time. Third, the game took place during a rat plague. Do you think it’s a bright idea to wear a skirt that leaves

Only Michael Ironside is fit to be Darkseid.

Oh thank Christ at least if it’s a delusion it’s a shared delusion. I can’t for the life of me imagine why I would INVENT a tiny weiner on that thing.

Am I going crazy or did that thing used to have a tiny dick? I swear it had a dick.

I’m not alone. Yes.

The best way to reduce abortion is to reduce poverty. The problem is the “pro-life” crowd keeps electing politician that want to cut assistance to the poor. So, the “pro-life” crowd actually helps to create the conditions that increase the likelihood that women will choose to have an abortion over giving birth. Of

The whole #BlackGenocide (interestingly, both #BlackGenocide and #WhiteGenocide are used by racist white assholes) thing is so incredibly frustrating because it dehumanizes and demeans the actual people making the choice to get an abortion, who are the Black Women themselves. It’s the worst form of concern trolling.

I think he suspects what happened though

Nope he doesn't know how that all went down. Only a matter of time until he finds out tho.

That’s because you can’t smell things in video games.