Bugatti matte black_g class grey matic

Came here to say this

“Multiple” is what lead to severe

I really hope that karmic forces get you ticketed for 34 in a 30 today.

It’s not like the stuff they’re doing is normal, or has set procedures. Construction has some pretty set standards for safety, OSHA doesn’t really have anything for how to safely drift a car on the edge of a cliff and film it.

And the Hamster will keep right on claiming to not be dead up to the point where he attempts to eat May’s braaaaaains in front of a live studio audience.

“I’m not dead” sounds like something a dead person would say

At his age, stubborn one of the few things that still works.


“I think that roped-off area is reserved for celebs or seven-figure cars. Neither showed up this time. Oh well.”

Damn, I should’ve put it in quotes, like “wiretapping”.

Yeah, but Willie McGinest is an anagram for “Gin Elicit Mewls” which is shockingly accurate recap of what happened to all my Super Bowl martinis.

1. China is the biggest car market now isn’t it?

He didn’t REALLY win though. Stupid indirect election which he himself called “a disaster for a democracy.”

Like when the right wing got over President Obama winning twice.

If they have the vin and it matches, how it is not enough proof?

Easy there, snowflake. Back to your safe place.

You lack rational thinking skills and reading comprehension.

So you are suggesting he use private servers then?

Absolutely! He should maybe set up a private email server, too!