
Based on the picture, are we sure she’s not really Elway’s kid?

So his cover for being the sort of fan* that leaves games early is that he’s a shitty parent? Cool.


I’m not racist. I have white friends. Namaste!

There is a difference between advising women not to let their guard down and saying that women who ostensibly have let their guard down are making excuses for fucking up when they get raped while their guard is down. Will I advise my daughter to be careful and not drink too much at parties lest she end up incapable of

I bet if someone called Sarah Huckabee a fat sow, you bet there would be some fee fees hurt.

That’s horrible.

Now that Alabama is set to make a pedophile a senator, this whole pee tape thing seems kinda quaint.

That’s definitely not a papa johns pie in the lede. That looks like a halfway decent za. As opposed to what the hell papa johns calls Pizza.

Wait, isn’t this the moron who’s always shitting on people for taking paternity leave? What an opportune moment to publicly remind people to care more about their families.

I don’t want to Monday Morning QB your editor but I think we probably would have figured out “Boston” from the rest of the headline.

I agree that the crazy chick is misdirection, but Ray being the shooter would be a real twist on his character—one that I just wouldn’t buy.

That Gamby/Russell fight was so fucking satisfying, as was hearing some of the deranged shit Lee did as a kid. I’m gonna miss the hell out of this show when it ends next week, but man, has it been a fun ride.

“Ray, will you give a ride to the prom?” Yeah, this was a top-notch episode. I loved the sudden appearance of the “bad kids” in the woods - nice of Gamby to include them. And that last shot - I mean, she’s definitely the shooter, right?

I was thinking this too. Lee didn’t actually ever admit to doing the shooting this whole episode.

Based on the teasers with Russell studying the “Gamby Enemy” board, theres probably a good chance we find out that Lee isnt the shooter next week.

Consider running a 5:40 mile. Then a 17:00 5k. you’d have to hold that pace for 13 5ks to approach what she did today.

I don’t think you need to run 40 miles per week to appreciate the effort or takes to run a sub-3-hour marathon.

You know, when I was a kid back in the early ‘80s and thought about what the year 2017 would be like it had a lot more flying cars and robot butlers and a lot fewer arguments about racist pizza and fans of a cartoon show screaming at minimum wage fast food workers because they ran out of sauce.

I thought the alt-right already had an official greasy, orange pile of garbage that makes your stomach cramp just by looking at it