
dont bring your bible to school - its killed more people than guns could ever hope to.

In fairness, if you can read that billboard, you don’t live in Alabama.

Hey man, they suspended Incognito for the first two games. 

So, does the NFL do anything at all to help out a player having a mental health crisis or are they just on their own for that?

“Apologize, or I’ll write a song about you and perform it at halftime of the next home game.”

No but the line areas are ridiculously long and mostly indoors so that will help. These were the main questions Disney was very coy about over the course of this trip.

Damn, Nurkic must be bad, if even Ben Simmons is willing to take a shot at him.

Mr. Kraft and his late wife have always treated the players like family.

Sounds like you’re just jealous you didn’t get to smooch Bob Kraft too.

Rice is a shrewd choice for the only organization in America that tortures more people than the Bush administration.

Her voting record reads like someone who’s more interested in keeping her job than standing up for anything.

My cookout potato salad does basically the same thing, but the shredder is the colon, and does it get me fame and adulation? No! It only gets me forwarded ambulance and ER bills from friends and relatives.

You’re much more nuanced than I was in my comment. +1

I’m a go ahead and throw this spicy take out there:  It’s not about the anthem and everybody knows it.

You know what would be more satisfying?  Not giving these people a platform in the first place. 

It’s great news that the cops kept their composure and didn’t commit any “shooting fouls”

Not recorded in the body cam footage were the words to his partner as he jumped back in the cruiser.

Imagine being an adult and being mad that you didn’t get an Ezekiel Elliot autograph at a fantasy football convention.

Seriously, queer as fuck trans woman here, chill the fuck out.

The joke isn’t “They’re gay, hyuck hyuck hyuck.” The joke and insult is that a world leader, who claims to represent the American people, is actually in love with (and controlled by) a world leader who is everything but a literal enemy of the fucking state.