Jon Hamm?
Jon Hamm?
They don’t look at themselves in a mirror. They rely on others for an appearence update.
This is his undoing, publically. It has to be. There’s no way he can dig out of a giant pile of openly racist bullshit (although, I’m technically wrong).
Saw some good dark humor about this story:
Like the CW-version of House of Cards. It’s all uncomfortably frustrating and eyerollingly hilarious.
So this one really fun time during Obama’s presidency, Republicans were outraged over his asking (not telling) schools nationwide to use a video he made that encouraged them to stay in school. In other words, “stay in school” was an indoctrination and propoganda tool! My diarrhea smells so much lovelier than all of…
That’s a very interesting point, and makes sense to me. Ye Other Human thinks it would all depend on the location of the tumor, and that makes sense to me too.
Serious question:
That’s exactly what it looked like to me! I couldn’t exactly tell, but it seemed like Macron was all in and stepped right up to him.
“Officer: Do you know how fast you were going back there, sir?
That makes me wonder, if/when the Trumps hit the skids, will there be an uptick in celebratory hospital visits? That would be an amusing bummer, so to speak.
I fucking hate our representatives.
Biblical utopia cannot be achieved, and they will spread their gay all over the children!
It was related to me by fellow commenter Perravieja.
Any acknowledgement or response by Sen. Gardner after 22.5 hrs? Or is he ignoring them like every other Republican involved with “Wealthcare?”
The exchange happens at the 3:30 mark, but I recommend watching the lead-up for clearer context. Essentially, she just goes on about “the Russia hoax” (which it MOST CERTAINLY is not) being reported on rather than the “good” stuff Trump has done. She completely dismisses the proven infiltration of the American…
Dag nabbit, Sarah! It’s not about the fucking decor. It’s about the fucking blatant LYING and FALSE ADVERTISING and IDIOCY with/of faking a damn magazine cover! No one is asking about whether or not the drapes match the pictures hanging on the wall! Explain the need for a FAKE MAGAZINE COVER!