Ye Olde Human

I’m fairly certain it was an SNL appearence sometime during the campaign last year.

His dance move portfolio isn’t very extensive or diverse, apparently:


Are we talking Lorena Bobbitt-sharp?

Great points.

That was fascinating, and a great read. Thanks. But it felt, to me, a little like entitlement. Everyone consumes differently - sometimes individually, sometimes as a group - and it seems kinda rude to get upset when others aren’t into “it” like I am, and try to force a certain way of consuming “nerd culture.”

I am a “comic nerd” but also know that my knowledge is far more inferior than a lot of folks. So to answer your question, is it actually a requirement? Or just a way for some to feel superior?

Because they want to?

I think it has to do with comic book characters becoming “mainstream” only recently. Comics (well probably more the characters themselves) are cool now, and that still makes me feel weird because I kept my reading secret when I was young for fear of bullying.

To add to that, Jill Lepore’s The Secret History of Wonder Woman is fascinating and wonderful.

But if you really enjoy it, did it turn out to be bad?

Great point, thank you. I didn’t think about that.

At that press conference, when asked about firing Comey, he made sure to state Rosenstein’s name (and only Rosenstein’s name, not Sessions) as the recommendation he took.

From my perspective, it’s not our business to question someone’s sexual preferences or personal recognitions. If they say they are _insert pronoun, gender/sexual identity_, then those who are not that individual should just leave it at that.

Serious question:

“Roger was a loving husband to me, and to his son...”

I really enjoyed Search Party. It’s uniquely oddball, in my opinion.

Graham Norton is my most favoritest alternative to Trump roasts! I love him and I love his format. He’s my hot cup of cocoa (or soup) on a snowy day.

I feel like The Tonight Show will be the one that morphs into OW! MY BALLS!

And this just in: Obstruction of justice confirmed?