Ye Olde Human

“Grab My Muhfucka I Pussy Dare You?”

Anecdotal evidence:

This series needs to be used in schools immediately. White kids need to see, and read about, the soul-crushingly violent and heartbreakingly demeaning things white people have done to their fellow citizens and human beings in this country.

I’ve really been enjoying The Good Place. It’s such a weird, goofy little party.

There are some really cute glasses to go with that jug.

Who loves anagrams and Michael Jackson songs? I do!

Chronicles of Nadiya! Fucking love it!


If this country is important enough to you to try and save from Trump, then crossing a stupid invisible line to accomplish that is necessary!

Keep the evidence rollin’ in! Thank you to everyone willing to put themselves out there like this!

Howard who?

I can’t possibly imagine how you feel with all of this going on, but I am so so hopeful that you (and many many other people) get to see this ball of cancerous shit get utterly and completely humiliated, and soon!

I’m not quite sure yet, but it may be a good thing my name isn’t Frank Castle. Still undecided though.

I think one of the keys with Skywalker was that they took him much too aged. He had developed emotional connections already, and that seriously tainted his tutelage. Jedi ain’t got time for emotional crap! So yeah, partly their fault (well, more Qui-Gon’s idiocy and irrationality), but mostly because Anakin allowed

And the Tuskens! Dammit, I woke up on the insensitive side of the bed. My apologies to all those afflicted by the atrocities of Vader.

If Trump were a tad smarter, I could call him “Chet!”

Well, as cool as I still think Vader is, he did murder a shit-ton of children. ;)