
"Mad Max Fury Road is sexist because bad things happen to women after the apocalypse and subsequent rise of a dictatorship. If Mad Max wanted to be feminist, it should've made good things happen to women after the apocalypse."

AKA the "let's get rid of all the arty films because I can't be expected to apply myself to any movies at all" list.

You cannot dissent from popular opinion while refusing to understand popular opinion. That's like telling everyone that 2+2=5 without understanding what addition is. Until you know what addition is, the only logical answer is to agree with others that claim they do. Every single intelligent person that applied

No it doesn't mean you don't have that taste and so be it. It means you have such a weak character that you've yet to apply yourself to undeniable geniuses and gain that taste. This is not the popular opinion. It is the educated opinion. You don't have to enjoy the works, but you do have to either attempt to enjoy the

It's not more influential. Annie Hall literally created the modern Romantic Comedy.

You just don't have a good taste for comedy. To say that Woody Allen isn't funny is like saying that Shakespeare isn't clever: it means you just haven't developed your tastes at all. Everyone who's ever studied film agrees that Woody Allen is a genius. What makes you able to negate this overwhelming majority?

Don't put Annie Hall in that category. Annie Hall is a perfect film and highly deserved its win. And I'd put The Thin Red Line, The Big Lebowski, and Rushmore over Saving Private Ryan.

Well I suggest you attempt to find the depth, beauty, and badassery within it because I cry every time I see it.

Oh God how wrong you are. Kill Bill was Tarantino's masterpiece and Volume 2 is most certainly better than Volume 1.

Well, more than half of those films are foreign films and thus don't usually get counted for The Academy Awards and Pulse came out in 2006, but, to be honest, I haven't seen many of the foreign ones you mentioned. I wasn't too much of a fan Munich, though.

To be fair, 2005 was a pretty mediocre year for film (especially after 2004, which was dynamite: Kill Bill 2, Vera Drake, Before Sunset, The Incredibles, Eternal Sunshine, Spiderman 2, Shaun of the Dead, Primer, Life Aquatic, Motorcycle Diaries, AND The Aviator? Damn…), but I do think Match Point should've taken the

My favorite double feature that I've ever done was Under The Skin/Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier. It is the correct way to watch both of those movies. I think any other way is wrong.

Assault in the Ring, which won an Emmy in 2010, was originally intended to defend Luis Resto, but halfway through the movie Luis confessed to the crime he had been denying for years. The director didn't know what to do, and ended up following Luis as he confessed to his children and accused his trainer of manipulating