
Wait… are we still considering Daniel Craig to be James Bond? I thought it was finalized that he was no longer James Bond.

I hear that you and your band have sold your turntables and bought guitars

I wish Disney would just let Gareth Edwards do what he wants. Godzilla was pretty cool, and Monsters worked well. I'm honestly more interested in what he has to say than what happens in the Star Wars series.

No no. The best part about people who use emotional prejudice and base instincts is that they will always end up drumming up a whole bunch of hypocrisy. If you calmly point out the blatant lies, people will start to feel threatened by him and see you as the calm cool alpha male (or female).

Really? I thought it sounds like an unlistenable song that's become brilliant.

"The opposite of play is not that which is serious but that which is real" -Freud

Here are three links one can easily find with a simple google search. Act more of a bully without any proof and you'll turn into Donald Trump:

No. I think the dialogue knows what it is because it knows exactly what to do at every given moment within the melodramatic rules it creates at the beginning of the film (and does not once break.)

Two exceptions to a rule

You really couldn't say it about Michael Bay because Michael Bay's films don't know what they are. They don't form a full picture the same way Man of Steel does. There's a difference between a movie that builds itself in a calculable way and a movie that merely stretches in all directions. Man of Steel does what it

Look closely, nearly every good review is from 10 years later.

Escape From LA? The John Carpenter movie? … Okay… Thanks for the info?

Rewatch Man Of Steel and tell me he doesn't realize what he's doing. The dialogue is so on point when it comes to cheesiness and over-emotional platitudes (and the action is so great) that it's ridiculous to believe he doesn't know what he's doing. It's like watching Taxi Driver and claiming that Scorsese doesn't

Everyone. Starship Troopers was given HORRIBLE reviews when it first came out. Look it up.

Or "This is how the mob mentality works."

Except for the fact that people continually claimed Verhoeven's movies were tasteless crap with too much special effects and failed to see the inherent self-commentary.

"His films are absolutely unmemorable, a collection of CG action slop without any sense of wit or grace."

No, he's a pretty good director.

Ugh I hate this anti-Zack Snyder bullcrap. He's merely the Paul Verhoeven of this generation; he's self-reflective and purposely provocative. His movies get more and more fun as time goes by, and the only reason why people hate him is because he blatantly accepts every part of this time period that they can't admit is

I disagree with your reasons, but I do think that Fury Road missed its chance, specifically in the editing. The shots were great, the action was great, but the action wasn't put together as well as it could've been. Too often, the film was cut to the action as opposed to cutting the film separately so that it could