
you stupid fucks, the democrats are just as rich as republicans, look at clinton chilling at the hamptons with her millionaire friends, do you actually think democrats care about you, they just dangle a welfare check in front of your face and expect you to vote for them, you are just a vote to the democrats.

do i care if a bunch of millionaires go to the white house? no i dont. samer is a douche bag by the way

samer is a dick

with a name like samer kalaf , what do you expect, intolerant liberal, why is it that liberals preach tolerance, but only if you think the same way they do. bunch of smacked asses.

i love the fact that trump is making all you filthy liberals squirm, go find a safe place losers.

you liberals finally got what you deserve, hurts a little huh?

awwww , poor baby.

hey drew, suck my dick when trump wins, maybe i should grab you by the pussy.

hey anna, are u pissed that trump got a pass on the fallon show, just like lying hilary has got her entire career? when isis is knocking on your door, call hilary, im sure she will help you.

when did deadspin become so liberal?

liberal mother fuckers, i used to like deadspin but turning into cnn

the only experience you need to be a politician is to figure out how to take money from people to get elected and then do them favors, like the clintons, the entire political system is rigged for their own personal gain, do you think clinton cares about you? she would step over you in the street if you were bleeding,