Please please, more EQ stories or other MMORPG stories like these. My god this was a pleasure to read.
Please please, more EQ stories or other MMORPG stories like these. My god this was a pleasure to read.
No fucking shit, genius.
On Sunday night’s episode of E!’s reigning soap opera Keeping Up With the Kardashians, the A-Plot was Khloe’s…
In spite of the movie's disclaimer, it wasn't really based on a true story. It used a number of real-life, disconnected incidences. Ethan Cohen has said, "The script pretends to be true."
I really don't think these GIFs are accurate depictions of actual NBA highlights.
The only reason I found her unlikeable was her poor taste in friends/significant others. If the story is true and an indicator of something, then my main beef with her is gone.
"Stupid Commenter Eats It"
She wants attention. Badly. And she'll say anything to get it.
Obviously the truck driver is a greater asshole for tailgating, but let's not forget that once she passed the trucks on the right, she should have moved over. That is the law in some areas, and common courtesy everywhere else.
Sure, but why give it to those heinous she-beasts in large denominations?
When I was a teen and read all the SNL stories, I just imagined hallways of my favorite people high on coke and sexing on office machines. It's a hard one to shake.
why why why why why WHY did you do this to me
You're not wrong.
How is that still driving?
Seen and raised
The US government reports that no one was hurt in the raid.
After the second injury, he also likes to call Derrick Rose "Done Done".