King Cahju

Also in the DLC “Messiahs in the Diamond Realm” (Although it’s arguably non-canon considering all of the implications that they create with the other MCs especially with the Demi-Fiend) he attacks the MCs with singularities of different attributes and concepts commonly associated with black holes (i.e. black body

At first I didn’t believe my eyes that I saw a Megaten article.

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My favorites are the DDS and Nocturne ones. Black Frosts naughty expression is kinda funny and Schrodinger is really cute for an inter dimensional cat.

I love that this Splatfest is pretty much a Shin Megami Tensei alignment choice. I’m choosing Chaos because no sane person likes the Law routes anyways.

But there is but another wizard! Oryx’s sister Savathun that wants to control the Distributary and become more than god-like. I can’t wait to see what they do for this next expansion. I’ve been anticipating the inevitable encounter with the other hive gods.

Don’t worry there’s always Persona 5 Arena for that. Can’t wait to see what they do with the phantom thieves’ future. Arena is always a good crossover story.

I believe that’s the Persona Orpheus so there is nothing lewd about that pic.

It has that grounded modern feel to it and I love every single second of it. I can’t wait to see what the songs they’ll add in The Royal. I love every bit of music Shoji Meguro is behind. I just can’t get enough.

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I recommend all of the Persona 5 soundtrack to enter your ears and infect your brain for a whole century. That soundtrack is so damn intoxicating, I just can’t wrap my head around it.

People were doing this in LittleBigPlanet a few years before Minecraft.