King Beauregard

There's a lot of panic over Trump, that's for sure. But then there are the older tales the Left was telling about how Hillary is evil and Obama is evil and so forth, and I could be wrong but I think those perspectives are losing steam. Or maybe it's being reported less, but I imagine it's a lot harder to say "the

"But isn't that what happened with Trump though, isn't he a complete betrayal of the right's principles?"

Well don't forget that only 8% of Southern Democrats actually supported the Civil Rights Act. Southern Democrats knew their constituencies and voted in ways their people liked. But their eventual successors were overwhelmingly Republican.

"That's a straw man. There have been Democratic majorities in House and Senate post Civil Rights. PBO had one."

The Civil Rights Act really explains most of everything in the past 53 years. Democrats lost the South and their majorities because of the Civil Rights Act. The Religious Right rose because of the Civil Rights Act (specifically because Bob Jones University was going to lose its tax-exempt status over segregation). The

The Civil Rights Act really explains most of everything in the past 53 years. Democrats lost the South and their majorities because of the Civil Rights Act. The Religious Right rose because of the Civil Rights Act (specifically because Bob Jones University was going to lose its tax-exempt status over segregation).

In 2008 Trump would have had the disadvantage of following a very unpopular Bush presidency, and that might have been the only thing to give Obama a narrow victory. As it is Obama could beat McCain by, what, seven points, and that was while McCain was held down by Bush and Sarah Palin.

And at that time, the Democrats and Jim Crow ruled the South, and FDR had to strike deals with them where he would allow them to retain their white supremacist ways in exchange for supporting the New Deal.

You do know how the Democrats lost majority status, right? Stuff that happened in 1964 or thereabouts?

1) Democrats tend to do better in presidential years and worse in midterm years. That's been the case for decades. This is because the Left thinks they are electing an emperor and they don't quite grasp that Congress plays some mysterious role in lawmaking. Republican voters are more consistent.

The Intercept. Christ.

Very true, but he's missing three Karate Moves To Success:

"Yes, and here's why. We see it all the time in how people cape for relatives that do some jacked up ish. Imagine that on a national scale, and that's what we're dealing with."

There aren't that many situations where characters meet their past / future selves, and the times they do, it's usually in the context of some serious time fuckery (Three Doctors, Five Doctors, Day of the Doctor, The Angels Take Manhattan). I don't recall the circumstances of "The Two Doctors" other than they turned

Twice pretty explicitly, and repeatedly implicitly:

Green Lanterns get their rings because they deserve them. Any old moron can get bitten by a radioactive bug, but you don't get a Green Lantern ring unless you have the mind, will, and courage to be a hero.

Becky's got problems of her own. Gotta listen for a while, but trust me (if you absolutely can't wait fast-forward to 7:40):

Would you rather use the bathroom after Zathras or after Neelix?

Mondasian Cybermen are a cross between the Greendale Human Being and Kickpuncher.

"spicy chicken sandwiches"