No, he talks like the "funny" character in a Hanna-Barbera cartoon, which is to say, the character that is most universally hated.
No, he talks like the "funny" character in a Hanna-Barbera cartoon, which is to say, the character that is most universally hated.
You are sitting in a chair, looking at your computer. You do not see your boss. There are exits to the north and east.
"You know the old saying… a watched pot never boils.. Until its contents reach a temperature at which the vapor pressure of the liquid is equal to the pressure exerted by the surrounding atmosphere."
The part I didn't like was Ravi not wanting to help save Natalie because he was bummed out and didn't want to get off the couch. I can tolerate him creeping over a porn star a lot more than I can refusing to save someone's life because fee-fees.
Ever see "Rick and Morty"? I swear Peter Capaldi could be a Rick, albeit from the "booooring!" end of the continuum of Ricks.
I think he's faking. It's the CW, no way there isn't a level of deception here.
Ravi was in last night's "Supergirl" and he worked SO much better there. That's because, in "iZombie", they try way too hard to make him charming and quirky. To me he comes across like someone who has trouble appreciating the gravity of whatever situation he's in, and trying to crack jokes even though he's not at…
I could certainly see Chuck having a falling out with HHM over this.
HHM certainly doesn't want it coming out, in court transcripts, that Chuck blocked Jimmy's career and got HHM to participate. That's unethical as hell, and even if Chuck is willing to destroy his own reputation to bring Jimmy down, I don't think Hamlin is.
I'm guessing a New Mexico resident could say for sure, but I'm assuming that some roads simply see precious little traffic, and those are the roads where the clandestine stuff happens.
Or a mask or something. I can understand Gus wanting to have the meeting in person, but still not reveal who he is, until he understands Mike's motives.
Chuck was entirely in his rights to fire Ernesto. Ernesto definitely earned a firing.
Chuck is becoming that which he hates, except instead of using sleight of hand he uses his prestige and status. He has arguably been there for a long time.
Nahh, I'm convinced his ailment is his brain trying to reconcile Chuck's hypocrisy: he feels that practicing law is sacred, but his own behavior has rendered him unworthy to practice law. The electrical ailment makes it difficult for him to perform a lawyer's duties, so it largely takes him out of the game and thus…
I think I figured out what the next episode is going to be called, or what could be a working title: Mutual Assured Destruction. Because I've figured out a strategy that will work for Jimmy: take the matter to court, and whether he is found guilty or innocent (probably guilty), that will give him a forum where he is…
The electric ailment is easy to explain. Chuck has said that the law is sacred, right? He feels that someone like Jimmy shouldn't be practicing law, yes? Well what if you're Chuck, the sort of man who uses his prestige for blocking careers, setting traps, indirectly getting people fired, stealing Mesa Verde, etc.? …
That's a good point, Jimmy has demonstrated that he is willing to be a proper lawyer who actually helps people. Which is arguably something Chuck has not been in a while.
Heh, good point. How about, I like that the show is willing to deliberately make Kara flawed and then own up to it. She did that in Season One a lot and it made for a better lead character, I thought.
I think what people read into Chuck is, he's just as willing to abuse his power as the next guy, yet he holds himself up as an upstanding near-paragon of virtue.
Ravi tries way too hard to be charming, all the time.