
Well damn. Serves me for not being caught up.

That is because you do not have the designated senses required to correctly pronounce the true name.

But what'll happen to Croach's baby?!?

Are you seriously trying to defend Walt's douchebaggery? There are plenty of better people out there creating equally good, if not better, art, so there's no excuse for him. You don't have to be an asshole to be successful, and the fact that our culture perpetuates this idea is just going to lead to more assholes

How did this not already happen 20 years ago?

Yeah, Moffat really did a service to mythology by ENTIRELY WIPING THE DALEKS'S MEMORY OF THE DOCTOR

That…that actually sound beautiful.

I reaaaaally want more Eleven. I don't want more Moffat, but I want more Eleven.

Twelve should be an interesting experience for you. I think they're going for more of a surly 3 vibe, so he'll be quite different and (hopefully) a bit snappish.

But let's really get to the meat of the question: Douglas Adams definitely included humor, but was the atmosphere of Robert Holmes's sorely missed? Was JNT really that bad for pushing the Doctor towards commercialism? (Yes…and no.) Can someone please to explain to me WHY Cartmel was fired? And also why his plan was

I don't think the writers ever really had a consensus on when it was set, so they'd include little "futuristic" things, but then have Jo wearing the latest fashions.

My big timeline book of Doctor Who geekiness has a whole three pages on the UNIT Dating Controversy, and actually lists all the events relating to UNIT in a separate timeline. So regardless of whether it's in the 70s or 80s, Invasion of the Dinosaurs happened in UNIT Year 5 and Web of Fear happened in UNIT Year -2 and

Yes, yes, I know all that but seriously ACE + BAT.

Are you kidding?

And surprisingly light for an Eight story….

I feel exactly the same way about watching in order, which is why I started from the beginning, and you DO eventually get into the rhythm of the show and what they were going for, but I also know a ton of people who can't sit through that much slow drama with wobbly sets. If you really want to get hooked quickly I'd

You might have your separate reasons for disliking 6, but the ones I hear the most are about how pompous and violent he is. To which I say, he really mellows out and grows into his own in the audios! He can be a bit abrasive on screen, but I think people just like giving him a hard time because of his jacket…Also,

Would this be the appropriate comment place to discuss 50th celebrations? I'm currently trying to reach Zagreus before Saturday (listening to The Church and the Crown as we speak) and I'm also hoping to watch The Two Doctors soon. There are all these specials on BBC Am but I don't have cable, so I'll have to rely on

Holy Terror is AMAZING. Reading a Frobisher comic before jumping in might give more context, but all you really need to know is that he's a shape-shifting penguin with a Brooklyn accent. What's NOT to love?