
When we saw Justin Long I was actually kind of hoping he'd be playing the same character he did in New Girl and it would start a first season sitcom date tradition.

"cracking the Liberty Bell together?"

I still remember that review even as I try to forget Glee's existence.

In the first police scene I swear he had a yellow ponytail holder that makes me think of the 90s for some reason.

I always wondered if the priest from Much Ado went on to R&J and was like, "Well, this one time…"

There's lots of audio of him reciting a bunch of stuff (I just heard a W.H. Auden poem today) so I'm sure there's a searchable tumblr for it.

Because handsomeness is the ONLY relevant feature to heartthrob status? The man recites Shakespeare. Just that should be enough.

I figured she was marked for death because she's one half of a lovable Whedon duo.

I loved watching Nick flip back and forth between Jess and Winston, especially when he pays attention to Jess for a few seconds and looks back to see Winston wielding a shovel.

How is Boss Mabel a B?! She had stickers!!!

I think we've had enough "strong, female character(s) who can stand toe-to-toe with the Doctor". I'd like some actual characterization and independent thinking.

Peri was awesome! She stood up the Master, had a fantastic sense of humor and did a lot to humanize Six. So her accent was a little shaky… I was sad to see her go.

I agree. I grew up with him in Dead Poet's Society and Reality Bites (which I love despite its problems), so he's never really going to shake that reputation for me. The Before movies just solidify everything I enjoy about him.

Would you really consider Emily Thorne an anti-hero? I mean, what she's doing is morally gray, but you're kind of on her side all the way. (At least in the first season.)

Why did I not know these reviews were being written? I was LOOKING for them and couldn't find them.

Piper is the first female "anti-hero" and I absolutely love it.

Yes! I just watched that episode. He was a general, mainly to deposit a whole wealth of exposition, a couple of weeks before he started as Two.

Mel's pretty inconsistently written, if we can call her character "written."

Why would you say Jo's immature? There's nothing I can point to that marks her as lesser than her bookending companions. She's more feminine, sure, but that doesn't make her weaker or more immature.

I still think I'm an Ethan Hawke fan. Even after all those action movies I haven't seen, he's been in enough good ones over the years to balance out.