This cast is not terrible, so I guess I’ll look forward to it until Netflix messes it up with a turgidly-paced 10-episode season of 63-minute episodes. In episode 10, they go into space!
This cast is not terrible, so I guess I’ll look forward to it until Netflix messes it up with a turgidly-paced 10-episode season of 63-minute episodes. In episode 10, they go into space!
I suspect the AG will almost immediately proclaim the report a wash and confirm “no collusion”, which Trump will then bray throughout the 2020 election and beyond.
I don’t know what Trump has against single payer. He used Michael Cohen as his “single payer” to handle the Stormy Daniels situation.
EDIT: also on an unrelated thread hijack, I want to get this joke in now in case Gawker does the story while I’m on my way to work.
Ahem..... “Lori Laughlin, from Full House to the Big…
The purity olympics in America need too fucking stop. I am a left leaning, liberal woman of color. This shit needs to stop. This is why people end up becoming the Trump supporters we see in ever-growing millions these days. Nothing is enough. They all apologized. Fred Armisen was playing Barack Obama, not making fun…
Malcolm X was outraged. Harvey Milk was outraged. Maya Angelou was outraged. James Baldwin was outraged.
I’m not going to try and get in The Rock’s head, so I’m not defending what he’s getting at here per se, but I — as someone that clearly identifies as a liberal and supports the progressive movement, who can’t stand the right as it exists today — believe he makes a very good point, in general about a segment, not all,…
Regardless, Ocasio-Cortez is going to continue to piss off other Democrats
who think she should wait her turnwho are every bit as bought and sold by corporate interests as their GOP counterparts.
But the segment also revealed some of the biggest weaknesses of the American media: its superficiality, its Both Sides mentality, its centrist bias, and its inability to discuss policy on its merits.
The Sears Wishbook was Christmas for me. It’s so nostalgia I can taste it, going through it for hours circling items, most of which I knew I’d never receive.
I can tell you how this is gonna play out:
This is kind of like how I like The Wire but take issue with the way it portrays some of the Baltimore police as adept.
Look, as someone who hails from a racist area.... telling racists that they’re racist doesn’t magically make them become less racist. That’s a lovely myth because it makes the person calling someone racist feel better. They like to think of it as constructive criticism. You don’t tell someone in their late 30's…
I consistently agree with you and, yet, find you insufferable. I’d be annoyed if I wasn’t so impressed.
Will I shit snow for a year?
Call-back to The Wire: Method Man’s character is furious about Anwan Glover’s character being a murderer.
I play this every year at tax time, not because I’m rich, but in hopes that the horrific happenings in the video afflict people who actually have money and seem to think this way ;P
Also relatable, "Life is just another murdertrain a'coming"