
BREAKING NEWS!! People who read DC Comics disappointed!

Agreed. Great show! Why isn’t it being covered on this site? Is io9 run by Lizard People and find the show offensive?

I was thinking that Hela might survive and becomes the “Death” that Thanos falls in love with and sets out to destroy the universe for her affections in Infinity War.

gonna go have a good cry now...

Nope. STAR WARS nerds only care if the protagonist is a girl or not.

This is from 4 or 5 tragedies ago, but still relevant:

BREAKING NEWS!! STAR WARS is repeating itself!

Also, best arm wrestling scene EVER!

Did she get her insurance company to pay for this? If so, this may be insurance fraud. The more you know...

$90 billion? How cute.

So the Watchers were in GOTG v2 and now the Skrulls are going to be in Captain Marvel. It’s really starting to sound like Marvel might have gotten the Fantastic Four rights back. #fingerscrossed

GREAT choice!

When are we going to do something about these Radicalized Raccoons?! I’m calling Ted Nugent. Build the wall! BUILD THE WALL!!

Are these the top SELLING books or the top ORDERED books? Kinda important. That’s one of the reasons the industry imploded in the 90's. Comic shops ORDERED 50 issues of SPAWN but only SOLD 5 or 6.

The dull crunch of a hockey player slamming an opposing team’s player into the boards at full speed. Top 5 sound.

What is this? The FIFTH Disney movie with a de-aged CGI actor? They really want to perfect this technology for some reason. Wonder what they’re planning?

I’ve said it before so I’m gonna say it again: Kickstarter it!

I know I’d pay up to $250 for digital HD DS9. No discs. No packaging. Just video files. If it doesn’t make enough... oh well. At least we know.