
Well shit, I guess I should have called out the pricks here too.

True but the comments here were largely around if his underwear were pulled down or not. (they were, RTFA commentators)


While that’s nice that really doesn’t invalidate my point, if you’re old enough to be considered responsible to sign your life away you should also enjoy the freedom of being able to drink legally. You shouldn’t have to join up to enjoy that freedom, that fact they let enlisted persons under the age of 21 drink proves

Isn’t this just flavored water?

I know everyone seems to think this is hilarious (they did over at Deadspin at least) but I must be getting old or something because it just makes me sad.

Hopefully the commentators over at Jezebel won’t downplay this assault due to the fact that’s it’s a woman who was attacked this time.

Endless Love (1981)

Well there was that one guy... Oh wait he was a creep too.

These new phones are premium products it sort boggles my mind they try and save a few bucks by shipping it with an inferior charger. The can’t be saving that much money and people using the slow charger are potentially going to blame the phone thinking it’s slower than competing products.

Hot take!

Old school TV chefs are great, this made me think of Keith Floyd, constantly drinking and getting sloshed, it would never fly these days.

That’s not a good way to die.

The darkest take.

This is a bold take and while I respect it, I cannot get behind it.

Fair call but Geffen wanted a “Nirvana” album for ‘92 and that’s what the band chose to release, so I’m staying on the fence.

Pretty much nailed it with the header with Nirvana’s - In Utero, but then OK Computer was Radioheads 3rd so it’s a tough call

Stupider than hell?

perhaps you’re in Canada, I have no idea

The lady in the blue and white stripy top laughs then does a literal facepalm. Classic.