
The old age sequence - that was two other people doubling Jess and Caity...right?

Just adding to your Arrow observations to say the container holding the super virus/bacteria was in a string of pearls configuration strongly resembling the Bioweapons in the movie The Rock.

My main takeaway from this is if I cut down on celery I can eat more bacon.

No Gendry peen or buttocks? deffo super sexist.

Granted my sarcasm was lost on you all but I appreciate you using a proper temperature scale to put me in my place.

Yeah I had also read the Halo news which is what got me wondering about his future on American Gods, I didn’t know that there were no plans for him to continue on with this show though. Bummer, fingers crossed it’s a fakeout and he can do both.

I guess my main question after the episode would be is this the last we will see of Mad Sweeney on the show? I know he could potentially reincarnate but that seems unlikely given the timeframe of the show, as coming back in a new form must take a fair bit of time.

To all the posters that think is is cruel or mean spirited it’s not. Nobody is laughing at these peoples loss, they are laughing at the juxtaposition of very real human emotions and ridiculously inappropriate emojis.

Hot Take Alert: The final fight between T’challa and N’Jadaka was dull, pointless, poorly rendered cgi characters just going through the motions, major boring shit. Their fight on the waterfall earlier in the movie was so much better, you know what i’m sayin?

“Piss off Ghost”

Good suggestion, alternatively.

If you can stand playing late 90's turn based rpgs, Fallout 1 & 2 have some of the best writing in the series if your more of a narrative focused player.

Gadgets seem to be the best crowd control tactic, the zappy when upgraded will arc to multiple enemies. Also there is a skill upgrade that buffs air launch the knocks down any close by baddies.

Cities: Skylines came close to being a worthy successor to Sc2000, maybe give it a shot. It’s not the same game but it’s not bad at all.

Dr. Claire: “This procedure may cause brain damage.”

Ultimately cgi battles are a bit boring for me but all of Michelle Yeoh’s fight scenes were great, especially the one in the rotating hallway, so that helped keep me invested.

(Yeah, if you’re going to have a manual override to close a blast door it SHOULD be on the outside. Yeesh!)

Solar panels on the Golden Gate Bridge is stupid.

I thought future Iris looked no more ridiculous than any of the future Arrow characters. (The silver streaks even match Dinah’s.)

While I am sensitive to your concerns Paul Rudd played a criminal so it stands to reason his mates are too. Would you have preferred that the role was recast as yet another white boy? Also I don’t recall Luis’s entire family being criminals.