
Good, I like this show. It’s not flashy but the premise is simple and well executed and boasts a super funny cast, especially the supporting players.

Sardines are great, you should try to get past this dislike.

I suspect the auther was talking about vertical traversal which really hasn’t been a thing in true 3D games.

CHOW^TM contained spun, plaited, and woven protein molecules, capped and coded, carefully designed to be ignored by even the most ravenous digestive tract enzymes; no-cal sweeteners; mineral oils replacing vegetable oils; fibrous materials, colorings, and flavorings. The end result was a foodstuff almost

Another name for Sunday Gravey is Red Lead, due the it’s hearty nature.

I lost my Mother (single parent family) to cancer in December and one of the things she left me was a stray cat she named Squeaky that she adopted 8 months or so before she past away.

Because most gaming subreddits comprise about 10% of the total population for that game when you compare the No. of subscribers Vs the numbers of copies of the game that have been sold/given away.

I too am disspointed about Rory being demoted, between Top Gear and Hosting Extra Gear his does really great, fun work.

I agree, his Victims deserve to have their stories heard but I doubt I would be able to stomach actually watching it.

When they found all the remains of the organics on Issac’s homeworld I thought they were going to pull an Animatrix and have it ultimately reveled that Robots tried to live in peace with the Organics but in the end they had to kill them all in the name of self preservation.

When you have talent like that on screen even simple premises are hilarious, it maybe my favorite Cold open yet.

Maybe it was the six can of hard cider I had consumed but I really enjoyed this episode.

What’s the crime here? Wearing a speedo isn’t illegal.

Is a suprise Double twist Valeska is then turned into Scare Bear and Gotham does a Venture Brothers Crossover.

Until I saw this headline I had no idea what the next Disco episode was about (Not a complaint againt the article BTW.)

This is good best Jalopnik.

now I wonder if there is any zombie flick in which zombie flicks do exist.

Between this fantastic episode and those series of shorts they released I am very optimistic about season 2.

4 technically, Seth had a cameo in Enterprise.

Mick claimimg he was watching Porn on his typewrtier and then covering it up is possibly one of the simplest and yet the greatest time travel anachronism joke I have seen this show do.