Orpheus! I missed that guy during 6. D&J Mentioned in the commentaries that the lack of Orpheus was solely due to the location change so it’s good to see him back ‘cause he is cool.
Orpheus! I missed that guy during 6. D&J Mentioned in the commentaries that the lack of Orpheus was solely due to the location change so it’s good to see him back ‘cause he is cool.
Block in car with some cheap POS and throw a molotov under the armored car and wait for your prey to come to you.
I’m sorry that was your experience, without knowing the details of what part of the country you were in, the type of people you were associating with and the ages of those involved I can’t shed any light on it but you seemed to have been forced to experience us at our worst.
We have a love hate relationship with that show as it cuts pretty close to the bone sometimes with it’s observations and makes us cringe out of a reflexive shame.
As an Australian we are pretty free with the c-bomb with one major exception, it is not ok for a man to call a woman one. That word does not cross gender lines.
New Vegas baby!
Dare I say it A tsunami of horse shit.
I’m so sad about Winn. Catco was a major loss, now this. And Mon El gone when he had improved.
- Kara might not want to mention this whole adventure to Barry or Sara next season...
Oh Reign, you got the bad ending from Ghost.
Hmm I agree in theory but then I think of Brooklyn 99, a show that ran on FOX and added a bit of diversity to the network.
I feel that in comparing John Delorean with Elon Mush is insulting to Mr. Delorean if we are talking purely, hands on car design.
Yes, if you were of a certain age the Connor children were practically part of your social circle and given how few entertainment options back then everyone watched it.
As I watched Holden float through space I wondered what the most comfortable position to drift along would be, would you try to lie ‘down’ or take some other position?
That was what I thought off when we saw the temple for the first time.
Nope, Reed could record a seasons worth of Ray in a day.
I was watching this with subs on and one of the Multiple Davids is amusingly called DVD, the other was Divad.
She did pay for the neighbors groceries.
Interesting, the term Petrol Station seems to be in far more common than Gas station across the globe.
If Starz couldn’t get enough first run views for Ash Vs The Evil Dead, I doubt they could do any better with The Expanse.