
Or youtube, twitch etc.

Sure it hurts, but so does getting punched in the gut. and in most cases that doesn't knock you off you feet.

A bullet lacks sufficient mass to knock someone off their feet, that's pure Hollywood.

I think the actor is bring a lot of depth to a character that wasn't entirely written that way in the case of Cassidy.

Starr can roll that milky white abomination he has in his head. Eyes is fine.

> it seemed like Starr just went along with it like it wasn't a big deal and he was alright with the proceedings

I liked that joke! The fact that it was "10 years to late" as the review put it, just makes it funnier.

That's not how you clean a window, if you do it like the jackass in this episode, you're going to get steaks on the glass.

So Jaime and Bron fell in the water and held their breath for hours as they walked to the other end? That's one hell of a convenient shortcut.

Who does one have to blow to get an invite? legit question.

This might be be my last AV Club disqus comment, so I should make it a good one.

Sadly I have had mine for ages so I know how much this change over is going to suck.

You'll be stuck in the greys with everyone else.

But I already have a kinja account with this username, I can see this causing problems when it comes time to claim my account.

My take on it is that Hitler wants out of hell and Eugene might just be the way to achieve that.

After what happened with Tracy I could see the Preacher being wary, he can't be sure of the long term implications if he simply tell Denis to "LIVE".

I like it, it's a little rough in places but overall it's quite good.

I don't mind Teddy, media has always portrayed these lone cia operators as being slightly odd. So it just feels like an extension of that.

At first I thought the lack of classic 'Peaks way a way of withholding and messing with the
audience but now I'm starting to think that the lack of classic Twin Peaks characters/settings is due to the way the project grew.