
Speak for yourself, I don't live in America. So I'm just gonna grab some pop corn and enjoy the show!.

Joker has also done the screen gag too, the villains of Gotham just like mixed media art installations I guess. *shrug*

I thought he seemed like a nice guy on TTD, I'm not sure why you hate him so much.

> All I can think of when I see Tetch is the rotted teeth wolf character he played on The Walking Dead.

The Alien bar reminded me of "Biers" in the Discworld universe, a place where non-humans can get away from all the stupid normals.

Fank gets it. I also love this show.

I never in a million years imagined the Riddler and the Penguin together but I love it, it just seem like such a natural fit for this incarnations of the characters.

Lean into it buddy, it's going to be great.

I was tempted but I felt it wasn't necessary for the joke.

I guess Carol Kane got… recast.

So the "hearing god" function is now used as the backbone for the voice commands, so the developers literally speak with the voice of god as far as the hosts are concerned.

It never occurred to me until now but maybe Gordon was watching bootleg Red Dwarf tapes. The timeline works out and it was the first time I encountered Esperanto.

I got a genuine shiver down my spine when I saw that on her monitor.

Yeah Donna could just be pulling a Joe and getting herself embedded before the gang show up so they will have to take her on board for various reasons.

I was prepared to write up a agreement in this thread that I would continue to Watch fear until it is cancelled if I could only have one more season of Halt, lucky the show was already renewed so I don't have to.

Because computers are not fun or sexy and hard to understand for the average award show voters.

Dear AMC, I love you for renewing this show.

"Why didn't Gordon, after immediately realizing that the ticking sound could make him go suicidal, PUT SOME GOD DAMN EAR PLUGS IN WHEN GOING AFTER TETCH?!"

I find it somewhat ironic that casting Jervis as a straight up pedophile would be too dark, we now instead have a Jervis who was raping his underage sister.
It's all there on screen all though it's never spelled out, whooshing over the kiddies head

I just can't stop loving this show as it just so damn visually interesting. I mean when Jervis (played by Walking Dead's Dave Grohl) put that guys head on the test your might thing it was sublime. We cut away to prevent it being a horror show but then the ringing of the bell as the blood splatters up the scale was so