What, did you just ignore the words “two-tier,” see the word “bipartisan” and get so aggravated you skipped the rest of the paragraph?
What, did you just ignore the words “two-tier,” see the word “bipartisan” and get so aggravated you skipped the rest of the paragraph?
You: Democrats Already Promising to Do Virtually Nothing on Climate Change if They Get Power
We should just say that we’ll provide free transportation from Mexico to Canada and then blame Canada for anything that comes next.
Let Dana Milbank make it all better https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/join-my-tribe-elizabeth-warren/2018/10/16/3fb0867e-d181-11e8-b2d2-f397227b43f0_story.html
Has...has it begun?
Ha ha ha Im going to make a blog about press-on-press violence. Fuck you Washington Post opinion page columnists! Do Megan McArdle next! She’s loathsome.
Stop trying to play this game, guys. You’re not good at it, and you’re wasting time and good-will that could be spent telling people how you’re going to make their lives better.
Why doesnt he just go the Hillary route and pretend he’s helping down-ballot races before funneling the money back into his campaign? Worked for her lol
lol ok soooo I should get an injection because it partially protects the children I might be near in the grocery store from the 48 hour period before I get an illness I havent gotten in a decade. It’s like Im taking crazy pills.
lol look if Im going to infect a child with leukemia its going to be on purpose
I literally dont get sick. I work with adults. I wash my hands. I get enough sleep. I eat my spinach. I have no reason to touch children or old people. The flu is not herpes. If you have the flu, you are well aware of it. If you have the flu, yes, you should be in total isolation.
I interact with ~zero old people and ~zero children each month. I would have to go out of my way to find old people and children in order to expose myself to them. Work with kids? Are you a caretaker? Then yeah, get all the flu shots they got. Otherwise, just wash your damn hands. Eat a vegetable.
then please, think of the children and the elderly.
I see the hunger for Your Own continues unabated, liberals.
Oh damn Evangelicals must be losing it. They called it. Witches, in league with the devil and PLANNED PARENTHOOD. It was PLANNED PARENTHOOD, in the PLANNED PARENTHOOD, with evil witchcraft. Oh saaaaaave me Jesus with your holy power amen
“Mmm look at this delicious plate of My Own.” -Leftists
TFW you realize you’re protesting your #3 earner
Like toddlers with shirts that say “Suck my Glock.” Who would make this shirt? Who would make this shirt this small and why
Ok, ClevelandRN.