King Khyrian

This is the question, right: if a statement is made, there’s only a retort necessary to make it a discussion. And if TLOU Part 1 is a statement about the beauty and cruelty of mankind, Part 2 opens up the dialogue.

Oh, I might be at wrong here. Might have reacted to the wrong person, but I was reacting to someone saying a woman dumped in a group of three guys wouldn’t change things. Because... Seriously. That’s like your girlfriend asking to hang out one night, saying: see, it’s so much fun, this doesn’t ruin the dynamic at all.

Or when you go up on the ladders again. Also Alma standing behind you in F.E.A.R 2 in the swimming pool scene. Pfff, scared the shit out of me.

Why did nobody mention the jump scares tho. This game was the scariest game in a time when they couldn’t do scary, frightening horror movies and games anymore. Especially the older, eerie games were very, very quiet and unsettling. The sequel was more stylized, but still had a few disturbing parts.

Yeah, but you also have Purseut Mandate or something. And the other expansion. Both also published by Sierra.

Nah, there were also the two DLC / expansion games released by another joint studio.

This is the complete truth. Except for there being anything subtle about Lightning. But yeah, their culture is incredibly different.

Again, you’re would’ve been right if Square was capable of writing such a character. But there’s a lot of culture that goes in to this. Asian culture. Look at animes, look at games. Women are written poorly, even in a Haruki Murakami book. It’s because they’re mostly written by men who don’t know anything about women,

Yeah, but that last scenario would only work if the voice acting sounded real, and that the same problem Marvel is having with villains Square Enix has with writing compelling female leads. They’re all too black and white. Lightning was this typical ‘woman in the army I’m a badass so my core emotion is anger’

I got it from Lulu as well.

There is a lovey dovely relationship: it’s between Noctis, Prompto, Gladius and Ignis. That’s all the love it needed haha!

I think what Jason means is that the dynamic in the group would’ve been very different if a girl joined. It already felt different when Gladius’ sister joined.

Haha but it is man. Name me one comment section where the editor goes through the tedious amount of comments like Jason does?

Right? I had the same thing. And all these personal bits were great!

It almost looks like you took 10 years to write this :O

Hey Jason, since journalism (mostly, but not limited to, political) has been under the loop recently: what’s your take on the state of journalism?

Haha, excuses if that sounded like I was looking a gifted horse in the mouth. Your coverage overall has been great. But, on your first comment: The leak of the game, and warning people that the ending is out, wasn’t reported until now. But honestly can’t wait for your review, and looking forward to see your opinion of

Have not seen the anime, but the trailer doesn’t feel like a trip to Cringeville, so this might actually be a great example.

This. And let’s be happy about that. I’m sure we’ll learn that our experience has already been tainted by the plethora of trailer releases and other promotional material. If you want a spoiler free idea of whether the game will disappoint or not, there’s someone on Reddit that posted an excellent thread.