King Ginger, not writing for Business Insider

Just get the President to drive your contraband fireworks across state lines.

The GOP is happily passing laws right here in the US to encourage child labor.

Of course they don’t care. The real cost of things is too expensive for the capitalists.Let them eat cobalt.

The daughter is also a serial killer

This Democratic administration has devoted more effort towards preparing the American economy for the decades ahead than any since FDR’s, and it’s not close. 

Yes, Biden didn’t have his shit together during the debate. I honestly believe he stood there with his mouth agape because he couldn’t fathom how such a torrent of lies kept coming out of American Hitler’s mouth.

Now playing

1. Sith are often stronger than Jedi with less training. This has been discussed ad nauseam among the Start Wars community even during the Expanded Universe days. Here’s a breakdown by The Stupendous Wave:

In some areas, DOT trucks are equipped with katanas because you just never know. I do believe NYC has some of their fleet so outfitted. If it’s not an elderly mobster, it could be a jackwagon on a Citibike. 

Woke up this morning, lost myself a head. 

Things that are 100% true that too few people believe:

It’s really sad that it’s going to be another close election. The man killed 1 million Americans in a year, added $8 trillion to the national debt, failed to deliver on just about every promise he ever made except for taking women’s bodily autonomy away, thru our institutions under the bus to appease Putin, abandoned

I really hope he shows up for the Presidential debate. But I highly doubt it, Fox are already making excuses on why he shouldn’t show.

It’s also not communication software.

Go woke, go broke

To me he had one of those instant and easily recognizable voices/tones. RIP Oddball...woof, woof, woof!

Also curious about this too. SOmeone the other told me that the little mermaid outrage really wasn’t organized or wide spread, it just looked that way cause the algorithm figured out they could piss of both the wokes and the ...(I guess it’d be sleeps?) and increase engagement on both. Good lord we’re down the rabbit

You had me at Clancy Brown.

Gotham City is my favorite comic book character. I enjoy Batman and The Joker (and wouldn’t complain if they showed up), but Gotham is what I get into. I genuinely dig Reeve’s version of this corner of the DC universe and I’m all in on this show.