King Ginger, not writing for Business Insider

Rats always squeak the loudest when let ‘em squeak. 

Musk’s DeLorean

It’s always going to be the best product that wins.”

Yes, but will it try to cut off your fingers or other appendages?

As a vote of 1, intentionally building in inefficiency seems odd to me; I was all for the idea of a “Manual” EV at first but now even things like paddle shifters seem silly. Unless the motiv units require it, I would rather the focus be on lightweight tossability and feedback (which many of the EVs are lacking right

Is this the BDSM version of dragoning?

That is the part that concerns me - the headline saying “Americans down with buying a slave-labor built car” feels like the right kind of sensationalism I want from Jalop, but instead I got pandering? Its weird.

The internet and the stress induced by the incessant crush of every expanding wealth inequality are making it real tough for even like, normal people to just be normal.

Imagine in the year of our lord twenty fucking twenty-four that you think this is some kind of a gotcha. If any GOP (or Chinese, or Russian) operative had anything of true substance around any Biden family member they would plaster it all over the internet. 

Its not a conspiracy, its simply a non-story.

To be fair, the average Republican voter doesn’t even know this happened and if they heard about it they would just say it was fake anyway.

Literally correct. The best kind.

Though maybe I was mentally counting Alito being invited on all the rides and giving his vote just because Clarence throws him a dead mouse every once in a while.

Didn’t mind it as a piece of fan fiction and didn’t even mind the time compression or plot holes, but I will never forgive them for what they did to my boy Celeborn.

There is a difference between buying a Congress critter and buying 1/7th of a whole branch of government of the most powerful nation on earth with a fucking R/V.

Is it because they were rentals or because they are Teslas?

You have to think beyond today. They are.”

That’s...why there is a 100% tariff on Chinese made EVs. They aren’t doing anything at volume in the US today (so it doesn’t hurt consumers today) but because we are a valuable future export market for them they will capitulate on other things. It is literally thinking “beyond

Protectionism isn’t for consumers (directly). The chicken tax allowed US manufacturers to maintain an area of expertise which led to their current profitability; it slows down the thumb of the scale that can come from other countries with incredibly low labor costs and/or massive government intervention having free

On the surface, maybe? But..the EV portion is a nothing tariff since the Chinese are not yet importing here in volume; US vehicles are not being imported to China much and all the US manufacturers are seeing sales volumes drop there. The raw materials portion might be of bigger concern for some US companies but again

Let’s give it up for the Iron Dames too! Poles and podiums in their respective disciplines, making names for their drivers.

The current subsidies and incentives are basically nothing compared to how the Chinese party props up its manufacturers.

We have more than enough to pump into foreign wars, but nothing to ensure mass transit or, barring that, clean(er) personal transit.

“loses mount” you say?