King Ginger, not writing for Business Insider

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Show me the math on that 30k in batteries.

It would work for a few years and then the Chinese would do the same as everyone else does in an oligopoly...price to the market.

- Shareholder primacy and continuing to vote specifically for quarterly profits via share buybacks and headcount reductions to ensure margin growth? Rich people did that.

{shudders thinking about parallels to manual transmissions}

Well that surely solved the issue.

Technology is many things and GM is a big company; GMs tech centers do lots of different kinds of work across vehicle development, R&D, software, digital, etc.; dissolving contracts associated to ICE projects (if that is the case based on some of the scuttlebutt online) doesn’t really matter a whole lot if you are

Killing contract worker jobs isn’t really anything new for large corporations like GM that are looking to save a little extra dough, since they’re in a rather weird position in terms of employment.”

Its also not permanent. Contractors may or may not actually lose their jobs at the company they work for; based on

I’d assume it was the former + edibles.

So management within the Executive branch is tied to the current Administration. Like having a new CEO, the actions from the top dictate the activities throughout the organization and that is typically why it is called out by most US media.

FWIW, staffing at most bureaus remains the same since the sheer number of

She seems nice.

Its very weird how many people get so big mad about someone just existing.

Give the people what they want! Detachable CD head unit with real buttons and no touch screen!

The number of times I have had to invoke Occam’s Razor to my conservative family members the past decade is fucking exhausting. 

Honestly, at this point if there was shit you know the Russians would have dumped it on the open market. Unless they really think it will be of value next year but at that point, why did they wait?

Unless, of course, none of it is real. 

I’m way more concerned about the commander-in-chief and his decades long pay to play/influence family business schemes with his coke snorting prostitute lovin son.”

The internet/TV eats up a lot of time.

I have never known a person with an arsenal who slept well at night.