King Ginger, not writing for Business Insider

haters don’t realize that his McKinsey training was actually useful: 1. when you have nothing to say 2. list 3 things 3. without actually saying anything”

His response is pretty normal for anyone with a business background trying to triage an issue. Sorry that magical thinking about the powers of his position to

At this point it is like showing up the front lines ready to go after you have already been routed. The best you can do is retrench  in the states you control and then start to work the purple ones as best as possible while hoping you can get a reasonable Congress in place at some point to pass a flipping law.

The horrow! Could you imagine if we taxed them and they actually had to work at making 9 figure windfalls for once.

Why isn’t somebody (shareholders or someone else) going after JP Morgan who, with all their resources, didn’t do anything?

Not to victim blame or anything but this just shows a lack of fiduciary responsibility.

“How could a company who’s racing sponsorships are already significantly larger than most other OEMs entire motorsports budgets and who consistently partners with top teams to run its works programs possibly compete against the historical precedent that is Ferrari? Don’t they know about the historical precedent??”

for faithful riders and for nature-lovers alike”

Screamin’ Eagles for makin’ eagles scream.

About 75 percent of all EV sales in 2022 were vehicles made in the U.S, thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act.”

Just remind him the the radios are always turned on during Indy races, too.

Not sure about most places but in my smedium sized Midwestern town, there are 2.5 pharmacies at each intersection. At best they are going to be hitting like....20? 30 locations?

HUGE sea change in peoples minds incoming.... 

F1 is a business, made up of business people. The whole point of the 200 million entry fee was 1) to protect the prize money allocation and 2) to keep anyone who isn’t serious from attempting to compete since it could impact “the show” and hurt revenues.

Regarding 1), the reason why Audi/Porsche were greeted with a bit

Meh, the other teams are against it because it cuts the prize pot by an additional team; they don’t care about “the competition” since its basically 2-3 teams and then backmarkers and they top teams fought the aero changes that have led to the last season being the m.

Its almost like if we had less guns this would be less likely to happen, because all the other tropes (“mental health” “criminals will always get a gun” “not enough police on site to stop the bad guys” etc.) don’t really apply here.

Counterpoint; the freedom of a skirt should not be limited to girls and all students should be required to wear them.

This is just typical Rolling Stones; nobody is paying attention to you and searches on Bing are dropping? Controversial list time:

- 100 Greatest Boy Bands (then exclude New Kids on the Block)
- 100 Greatest Lead Vocalists (but include Robbie T. from Goo Goo Dolls for “Listen”)
-200 Greatest Female DJs (but just repeat

Most American’s can’t even tell you the difference between a Senator and a Representative, and they certainly can’t tell you what the Speaker even does. That Kevy can’t get the votes doesn’t matter to the future of the GOP when things like the response to Sandy Hook, Jan 6th, or the entire Trump presidency are still

My favorite is when they bring up that Southern Democrats were once the party of slavery and Jim Crow as if 1) people don’t change parties when it is convenient and 2) parties don’t change platforms when it makes sense for them.

0, unless they aren’t magically planning on running in a primary at the beginning of next year.

Would intentionally causing illness be a crime I wonder? Has anyone ever tried this?

Had to google if he was still alive. Sigh.