King Ginger, not writing for Business Insider

I mean, fair play on their part - when you have the leverage, use it. The trade off is, of course, that it comes at a really crap time from an economic/political standpoint where perspective among people who don’t know shit about shit other than “derp, Biden made my prices go up” will absolutely come out and vote

Meanwhile, the people who voted for the LEPFP are all wondering why its their faces now.

I don’t think F1 would have allowed them onto the broadcast if they weren’t trying. And F1 has DEI standards in place to push for a more diverse paddock; if they didn’t care about growing the brand beyond European white males, they certainly weren’t letting on. That being said, most of the drivers were not at the

Unfortunate - even if the long term value or likelihood of elevating certain drivers to higher series seemed far off (or farfetched) more exposure helps. To put it bluntly, you have to start somewhere. Here is hoping that they can move to a better structure instead of owning all the capital and equipment for next

Amy seems like a nice person; every body else mentioned seems like a self absorbed asshole who talks about “the work” like they were building a Pagani Zonda from raw metal and wood.

And just like with Depp, people aren’t even fans of the guy, the internet just likes to pick sides in some weird tribalism dance to take it out of successful women they can’t sleep with.

Dude hasn’t lived in GA for 40 years and didn’t even graduate; lies upon lies upon lies.

Walker is currently unfit to manage a football team, the one thing his entire persona is based on.

lol this dude is a goober

Enjoyed this one last year, loved the idea that there was wherewithal to look up at you and wait til you left the window to make the snow angel.

That was the bleach conspiracy we tried to plant with TFP, he just wasn’t a good enough salesman.

“The Back Room”

Not sure if anyone will find this scary, but it certainly freaked me out at the tender age of 8...

The two cottages were built by my grandfather on the second to last lot at the end of the road. Out the back (front? we never could decide) of the cottages was a view of the lake which was the core of most

I can already see the weirdos drowning their puppies to own the libs like they did with {checks notes} “Yeti coolers, Diet Coke, French Fries, Mark Ham-  oops {drops notes on the ground, paper unrolls for 60 ft. - comedically - like a Monty Python skit} 

No, see the scary story submissions go over here: (

I am ready. Scare me y’all.

The affirmative action case (not listed) is another one. Thomas’ continued belief that he is following in the footsteps of Malcolm X by forcing radical self determination on BIPOC should be fucking terrifying.

I don’t know if Ryan Reynold’s is a “Wife Guy” so much as a guy who has a wife and seems to get along with her pretty well (or that he is just irrevocably Canadian). If the implication is that it is a #brand it would seem odd that Blake certainly leans into as much if not more than he does. Strangers things have

A real shame - the Daily Show didn’t have the oomph for white America it had under Stewart but 1) Trevor is a significantly better and more empathetic story teller who can keep ya spellbound, crying and laughing in the same sentence, with an even handed view of the world and a perspective that came from lived

Yes, but girls also need to see role models or examples to drive that interest at the lower why not both?

Considering that a larger % of the US still say “Eye-talian” I am not sure if we are going to fix this anytime soon.