
ride might have been even easier if you weren't wearing skinny jeans.

In fairness to iPhone benders, if they are potentially going to spend hundreds of dollars for a product, its better to find out whether the product will break through ordinary use before spending the money.

Mitochondrial dna is passed down from the mother. This would only link the dna on the shawl to the muderer's wife (assuming the murderer wasn't female). And the dna would really only link to a population of people, not a specific person. This is total bs.

Why bother? No one is going to read through the millions of comments, and if they did, only lobbyist money talks in Congress...they don't give a shit what the consumer wants.

The fact that the site has crashed at least twice now should tell them all they need to know about what the public thinks.

if you haven't sent a comment do it have no excuse (unless you agree with the fcc).

blackest thing in existence.... these people have clearly never seen my ex's heart

I've seen this before...

Fusion ! How quaint. Maybe they need the help of a good Scotsman.

yes but unlike the Detroit cops or crop of college kids, these will actually accomplish something