
Oh s#!t!! Shots fired!!

HAHA! That robot is not all Toshiba! The to manipulation arms are Titan4 made here in the US by FMC/Schilling Robotics. I wonder if they know Nishiyama sold their stuff a that gets sent back to the states for repair?

Okay now somewhere in this dark area has to be a Hot Topic and a Spencers!!

China is an emerging power but no true Navy to speak off. The have one carrier and that is retrofitted from an old Russian cast off. The only real threat they have is there diesel fleet of subs and potential carrier killing torpedoes. But the west is already working on new gen sonar systems that can hunt silent

The Russian Navy is not what it once was.With out Air support and constant logistical support their troops would wither on the beaches of a NATO country or the US. There fleet is mostly consistent of older ships that should have been decommissioned years ago or need serious upgrades to be tactically viable. I believe

How is this different from a high grade penetrating oil? Also what she is explaning is nothing more than chemical exposures which is the same class as the old Kodak and tin type pictures.

No please; Trolls first!!

Your a sad funny little man! Your lack of insight and intelligence is astounding!

Trolls with sudo hipster names can excuse themselves from any grown up discussion.

Did you not read the comment? “placate the rich and drive up already astronomical housing market!” Market price goes up poor people get priced out. No amount of rent control or low income housing is going to change that fact. If you don’t agree then that is your right but if you think about it logically you can see

It must be a prophetic story of how Donald Trump came to power!

@The_Red_Mage Venice has one thing NY does not; accessable waterways. So Matthew Urso’s comment still applies.

What about the water and landscaping bill!?

Nope! Just douches bags!!

So you’re saying they wish to placate the rich and drive up already astronomical housing market! Hell I’m in! Who needs those nasty poor people around anyways! As long as someone opens the door and cleans my million dollar loft apartment I’m okay with the plan!!!

You seam to be sadly misinformed my friend. Look into the history of genealogy, astronomy, chemistry and astronomy; you will find them to filled with religious figures and noted clergy. Even today the amount of research backed by religious sources is astounding. Genetics by the Mormons in Salt lake, Cern by the

Have we forgotten Rail Assist Launch Systems?

Proof that the movie Ideocrascy was prophetic!!

It’s not onions. It’s garlic!

Intimidation and pillaging has always been a cornerstone of the French. Or are the colonial, imperial and Vichy periods no longer counted? It is the pot calling the kettle black from one of the world biggest (sell to) extreme militant regime arms dealers. Plus for a land that hated the Nazis due to massive invasions