In 1990, young Zabella had to see everything Christian Slater was in. The spark that was started by the bashful brother in The Legend of Billie Jean turned into a huge crush after watching Heathers. I sat through Gleaming the Cube (someone in Hollywood was like “let’s make a movie with skateboards!”) and The Name of…
I consider myself to be the color of a lump of pizza dough that someone lightly baked. White, doughy, and oddly tan in certain spots.
I’ve just recently discovered that...Harry Styles is really hot. It’s the first time I’ve ever felt attracted to someone younger than me and it makes me feel dirty. Also, I like this song and am really looking forward to Dunkirk.
I am a woman (and a New Yorker, which may be relevant) and I interrupt A LOT. I need to watch, though, whether I do it more to women than to men.
In theory, we give gifts at weddings for two reasons:
They are already off to a bad start.
The sooner people realize McCarthy is in the top 5 of the funniest people who ever lived ever the better off we’ll all be.
Why is being a nice/decent/respectful person so fucking difficult for some people? Assholes.
Welp, now the GOP is consolidating their power, and trying to pass the Reigns Act (undermining executive power), trying to rid itself of oversight, and obviously holding the majority in 2020 for another round of redistricting (RSLC’s REDMAP, Phase 1 completed in 2010) ensuring elected officials stay in office, despite…
I’ve never even heard “fire” used like this, and I was trying really hard to figure out what word(s) were missing in the headline. Get off my lawn etc etc.
This was amazing. Thank you for writing!
A good rule of thumb to live by: never put anything you find in Times Square inside your body.
Just gonna leave this here:
I never started.
No, we underestimated just how brazenly racist and misogynistic our country is. We all knew America was this racist and sexist, but we thought it was too embarrassed of it to actually admit it to the world and elect someone like Donald.
I had to pause the video and take a moment when Newt fucking Gingrich accused Fox fucking News of liberal bias.
Do you think they call up Lenny for the occasional threesome? I can picture that happening. In fact, I’m picturing it right now...