
That’s really lovely. I’m glad you found each other. (This is completely without snark, btw)

I’m glad to see this. I’m 44 and it only recently occurred to me that some of my craziness could be peri menopause. My youngest child was born when I was a month shy of 40 so I had assumed that there was a lot of postpartum nonsense. But he’s now 4.5 and I stopped nursing 3 years ago so it’s not that!

Yes yes yes!!!! I’m shelling out considerable cash to go to weddings these days and frankly can’t easily add in another $100. And they have everything already

Actually, my daughter was the worst to potty train. My oldest boy was done in 2 weeks, my youngest boy got peeing down in a day and then pooping 6 months later. It took my daughter a year and a half to get peeing down, we basically forced her to poop in the potty just before she turned 5 and we were still sending

No. Your burial wishes should be separate from your will. The will may take ages to get opened and probated so you should not include how you want your body handled in your will.