
Correct if I’m wrong :
- Microsoft buys Nokia
- Microsoft sells Nokia 2 years later

I instantly loved it :) Actually Doom 3 has been the first game I’d like to replay through Oculus Rift, thanks to the darkness, hidden roars, where’s my flashlight, maybe this corrido... OMG WHAT’S THAT THING

Aaaah, those sweet MMA youtube comments :D

« One does not simply prefer Doom 3 over the original Doom 1 and 2 » ☂

I feel the overall ambiance will be less dark & terror than Doom 3, which was fantastic :/

This looks like 120 minutes of ninja ballet. I hope there’s some dialogues too. :)

Overwatch, Mirror’s Edge Catalyst, Blood and Wine, Doom, Homefront Revolution, Battleborn, bye bye sunny may social life.

While I loved my time with Vanilla, I kinda hate this private server affair, as the outcry systematically vampirizes any Legion article.

While you’re pragmatically right, some forum posts can hide a hint for a forthcoming opinion trend. Which is very valuable for a market prevision. Damn, being a CM is a tough job.

One does not simply make happiness.

Seen a bunch of mass revives aswell. In the end it seems like it’s either who goes for the best ult, either who chain the most kills. There’s room for improvement I guess, Blizzard have always been quite generous with teamplay promotion. We’ll see :)

As others have written, the main problem is that it’s just about multikill : what about that zenyatta ult who allows everyone to rush through an opponent ult ? or that Reinhardt shield that allows a widow multi headshot ? a Mercy switch to blue beam aimed at Pharrah while Justice-ing a whole team ? etc, etc

While the Play of the Game and player votes are a good idea, I found they eventually led players to emphasize on self-glorification rather than teamplay. All my buddies (who weren’t necessarly aware of Overwatch in the first place) went from cool chatter to “OH WOW LOOK AT MY SKILL BRO”. Skyping with them became a

The well “enough” part could be a clue, you’re right. Now that I think of it, not so many animes do really stand out by their overall quality. They’re not bad, but they’re well “enough” to be enjoyed. So it could also be a budget reason ? Which would make sense considering the article reports.

Are there that many above average good artists ? I mean, when I browse specific art forums, (and even in my former art & design degree) the above average quality only shows to maybe, let’s say, 20% of people ?

Reinhardt can feel like a drag in the first plays, but once you get used to his style, he’s pretty much a beat ‘em all machine. Love him.

same here ... I just played 10 hours straight without even noticing it. To the point where I have to force myself into a break to avoid saturation. This game is goddamn addicting. “Just ... one ... more ...”

Why has art production (painter, illustrator, etc) always been in the low pay bracket is beyond me. It’s not even logical : for handcrafted, it requires a particular skill that makes it difficult to find the one you need, and makes it even harder to replace. Usually the low wages are happening when there’s higher

“it looks like crap” sounds like the most elaborate first impression ever ;)

Dogfights in space ? DOGFIGHTS IN SPACE. Ok I’m sold.
For the first time in CoD history since the first, might say. I’ve always been fascinated by the franchise’s narrative quality evolution, but the FPS-bro style always made me hesitant. But adding a dogfight in space dimension ... oh bro.