
Isn't so many "What I pictured was different" from the author gonna mess up the supposedly good concord with the channel ? Y'know, PR shit and stuff ?

This is just awesome :)

Not all fighting games require complex D-pad movements, though. That's a common bias a lot of gamers are having toward any new fighting game :)

You were very clear, and that was a very clever differenciation.

I don't but around 39:00 one of the players is using a glitch to bypass a whole area ...

You can trash talk any peripheral manufacturer you want, but not Razer. Not. Please.

Wasn't the purpose of Gatling rotation to automate the bullet loading sequences ? So, without bullets ... ? :)

I'm with you Luke on this. But anyway, what's the difference between this and the decades of dumb spinoffs we have been fed with until Disney ? Everybody and their grandmother has made his own version of the Star Wars script. It wasn't possible to hold the serious any longer, imho. (to strengthen my point, I recommend

Indie doesn't mean poor, it means independant : no publisher, no main investor, and onlythe gamestudio is in charge of creative decisions.

A quality, lengthy indie game, yes. An AAA game, just multiply by 10 to 100.

If only making a quality videogame was that simple ... ;)

p.s : oh my god, that Gen vs Ken match was absolutely delightful to watch :O

That's an excellent idea. They could actually make it like what they did with John Riccitiello (EA's ex CEO), and let fighting pro gamers have columns from time to time, about their analysis on the market, or just commenting the fighting game scene, or matches. A way to see through the eyes of a pro for the time of

So may I hear this as a dedicated article to fighting games and FGC ?
Well, I'm not the self-promoting type of guy, but as alone on this project, I guess that would be a good moment to talk about it :

Ah, now that's what I call justice Stephen ! Thanks ! :)

Rolling is one of the first moves that are taught in Judo, to help reduce the ground impact. Yes it kinda sound silly at first, but once you learn it, you can clearly see the difference from a straight fall.

I agree, this is simply baiting for misjudgements about fighting games.

I can tell you a reason : not wanting to play a FPS with a goddamn pad :/

Good gamedesign != Reality

Where this letter is brilliant is that it is both an excellent parody and a great truth holder.