i'm now calling my boyfriend that exclusively. my bedwarrrmmmmmer...
i'm now calling my boyfriend that exclusively. my bedwarrrmmmmmer...
take advil and don't go right before your period, it'll hurt more. And regardless: that shit hurts. But it doesn't last that long and is fun later.
to be super clear: the vulva of a pre-pubescent girl and a woman who has waxed her good girl are NOT identical. Why do people think so???
it is "reduce" - like to reduce your number of viable fetuses.
ohmeeerrrgooooodddd - i like amanda seyfried now that i knows she has a aussie, or an aussie look alike.
I would like to know how much it *actually* costs to amend a town charter. How much are the legal fees? And is there not a single lawyer willing to stamp or write or sign or whatever it is they do pro-bono?
That was the only thing I could see — such ADORABLE little nips. Teensy eensy little things. But the commenter who pointed out that they might be underage made me feel a little sick to my tum.
I'm with you. Also, sitting like a creepy subway-hogger dude would not look right on me. I would look like a creep, just like they do.
That baffles me - all of it, but mostly the part about marital rape. Do you think this girl only believed this because she hadn't yet been married/hadn't had a sexual relationship yet? Because the experience would HAVE to change that opinion...because it isn't a theory at that point, it's part of your life?
just seconding the idea that you'd do whatever you would do for your own "real" child completely. an adopted child shouldn't have a a weird waiting period where you decide whether you can like them or not.
I'm just saying there are a number of ways these things happen - in good relationships and bad ones, whatever. again, i'm not married to ANY of these people, so I could give 2 Fs who they tag. Also: you just haven't cheated yet. Never know what might happen.
people in healthy happy relationships definitely cheat. people cheat. EVERYONE CHEATS. it's a real thing. And sometimes, people cheat and then stay in their relationship and it's fine. Sometimes they don't. Who the fuck cares - I wasn't married to any of these people nor do I care who they sleep with.
i don't know - so what if she doesn't know the difference between feminine and feminist. who cares? i like that it's so simple to her "i definitely feel that women are equal to men. no doubt" — i mean, that's refreshing.