kindergoth sissygeek

Their base is persistently at critical mass. Always on the verge of:

Tough to recall a new day when the front page didn’t include at least a couple of new things they want us to ignore.

I’m neither attuned to trends nor try to be, I’ll concede.

Here’s a walk down memory lane. (Dead giveaway. Yes, I’m old: but not that old.) Call it Throwback Thursday?

Inventing peculiar new portmanteau words? It has more uses than finding a domain name not already taken.

Nothing to add. Thanks.

How exactly is it that “antifa” has become a scare word?

Getting rid of “birthright citizenship” presumably means no one not yet born in the U.S. could ever become a citizen by, being born here.

Or there’s something about being given money for being stupid which makes you, uh—

Apparently this is a thing.

Science is bad, and you should feel bad for mentioning it.

Go team USA! Go team USA!

The damage might be reparable. We can hope.

Yeah it wasn’t until reading about it—in my teens—I knew much about Watergate. Oh I heard about it: but primarily if the Congressional hearings happened to preempt Saturday morning cartoons.

Wouldn’t know. Reagan was my first political hobgoblin. Who (I expect) was a bit drab and meager, relative to the archetypal grafter of the mid- through late-ish 20th century.

You’re not made of Tuesday!

Hmm. Read that as “stabbiest.”

Oh! The Newspeak version of “Ministry of Truth.”

Like how Nixon would mutter under his breath as he walked away, contradicting everything he’d just said.

There are over seven billion people on Earth. I mean, think about the odds.