Kindergarten Cop Oscar Winner

Seriously, a black man can’t win, can he? Even when is is active in his kids lives he is doing it wrong. This guy raises his kids right (seriously, have you heard a peep about any of the Ball boys in any sort of trouble? have you heard a single complaint about Lonzo’s attitude?), takes care of his wife as she recovers

Hm, what made him pick her out specifically to respond to? I wonder.

It is the wrong move. But nobody will listen to you because by calling someone a “Nazi” that person is no longer human. You know, the same thing the far right does whenever they use a racial or sexist slur, except, you know, OUR side, OUR tribe doesn’t like Nazis, so of course dehumanization is ok then.

No one’s obsessed with you, girlfriend. It’s just that you post on these forums a lot and so much of what you say is so utterly wrong. 

Why in god’s name would a Pats fan have animosity for the Jets?

Don’t pretend that you have never been on the internet before, they can be assholes

While I was in college I knew one girl who was assaulted and one guy who was kicked out of school for assault allegations.

If you are looking at sexual misconduct and truly want to be open about it, don’t limit it to men. I’m male and have had many more women managers than men and have experienced some truly uncomfortable situations. Let’s not pretend that women don’t hold positions of power or are incapable of sexually harassing or

And we also have the dozens of people accused of sexually abusing children in the Satanic abuse panic who had their lives utterly ruined by false accusations.

I guess a necessary question would be how this site would react to a fraternity keeping a list of girls they believe to have VD’s. They’re protecting themselves, but I feel like responses would be quite different.

First off, this whole thing kind of sounds like a story I heard a while back (I think on NPR or an affiliated podcast) about how people in a Southern African country (I forget which) monitor HIV status using gossip and internet lists to decide who’s safe to be around. “I heard Jerry had a cough, and he’s always been

What do you consider “proportional representation?”

I love the Court of Public Opinion, where anyone can be Judge, Jury and Executioner with no ramifications, except for the accused, Go Team!

And some men will have their lives irrevocably ruined by unfounded allegations of sexual misconduct.

Don’t you think you’re being incredibly presumptuous to assume everyone who agrees with you is a woman and everyone who disagrees is a man? Because case in point, I’m a woman and I think you’re wrong.

This whole thread:

“WOW, you just jumped straight to “reverse racism?””

I went to a largely black school. We had assemblies every year to reinforce the fact that you cannot make fun of white people for their race.

This was an attempt to address racism that was occurring. “Reverse racism” as an idea is racist, as it implies racism has

Because one is gendered and assumes intention and motivation that is not necessarily true.

One insults the person the other insults the person and all members of their sex.

Mansplaining is a thing... but it is also a term that is thrown around so frequently in online discussions to try and shut down a guy with an unpopular opinion (no matter how valid) as to be rapidly loosing its usefulness.