
The thing that drives me nuts is those sanctimonious derpbags that are all “SOMEONE ELSE IS RAISING YOUR PRECIOUS INFANT, YOU HARPY” are also, you just know, the kind to piously post It Takes A Whole Village To Raise A Child banners all over their Facebook. Yeah, as long as the mom works herself to a thread and drops

I can’t believe no one this far has mentioned the fact that all the criticism has been directed at Chrissy, as though fathers are somehow automatically off the hook?

It’s adorable you think NASA is different.

Ohhh! That makes sense. I’m used to largely rural (and prevailingly white) poverty. (Making a Murderer featured an eerily similar landscape.) The problems faced by POC and immigrant populations in an urban setting are mostly outside my realm of immediate knowledge.

...but a lot of prominent Americans got their money from historically oppressing people of color and pitting poor white people against people of color, then setting up elaborate systems (high-paying jobs that only hire from a tiny pool of elite colleges who give admissions points to donors and children of alum, for

You and I may not have broken it, but we’re certainly being rewarded by it.

If you have benefited and are not always actively seeking to create change and trying to enfranchise and empower underprivileged people, then you are part of the problem. I don’t care when you were born. I hold you to the same standard I hold myself.

Still more than people of color who are poor, homeless or have records, though.

Yeah, this is my impression. They understand much of this inequality on a theoretical level - and many may deal with things like paying off student loans. But I’m not sure they necessarily grasp just how much this influences many people’s every day lives.

I still benefit from this kind of permissiveness as a poor white person. In the UK where I live you can get government assistance with housing costs - but many landlords will not accept this arrangement. They put “no DSS” on their adverts - “no department of social services funding allowed”, they mean.

I think it’s almost implied in the scenario she presents; from their own perspectives, the business managers pressuring contractors to keep costs down and the contractors enforcing those decisions are in different, seemingly adversarial positions, their actions justified as simply working within a flawed system. But

“I learned later that the wealthy, Wall Street, the banks—they all get to break the rules. But us, the poor, the people of color—we don’t”

Before some assholes come in here and mansplain/whitesplain all over this, I just want to say I loved this essay.

I do love that quote. I’ve told it to two separate dudes when discussing how maybe they don’t see sexism because it doesn’t affect them. They then went to tell me how unprivileged they actually were.....

There was a study that men think 30% of women in a group or if 30% of time used speaking by women means it is gender equal. Anything over that and it is perceived as “female biased”

Let’s be clear that all this is based on your OPINION. Not on any facts or reality. Just because you don’t like Hillary, doesn’t mean that other people don’t. I was excited to vote for her in the primary and will be excited to vote for her again in the general election. And while I would vote for whichever Democrat

Yeah, but that’s living in a free, democratic society. You have to learn to accept that there are going to be people who disagree with you, and that many times, those people will outnumber the people that do agree with you, no matter how good you think your ideas are.

“old rich white lady. totally the candidate for older black people!”