
Iron Fist 2 does have a new showrunner—the old one is off managing Inhumans, which has so far gotten nothing but negative early reviews.

I really loved her investigation bits! That and her quips, and the funny bits like her walking out of the elevator as Matt breathlessly finishes running up the stairs are making this show worthwhile.

I thought the same! Him killing the "bank" agent is my first clear memory of him killing ANYONE direct, though I may be misremembering.

I was there at the panel, and no way did any of the writers look aghast that he was telling secrets, nor did Nolan seem to clue into what Plageman was talking about for a blink or two till it "clicked" with him. Also, no way they'd first tell some random nerdy group in the back of a comic book store about a major

If Finch left immediately after landing Reese's plane, it would take him over 12 hrs on a prop plane, and that's with no prep or customs or sleep, which without a second pilot would dangerous. I'm mentally assuming Reese and Holly had more than drinks.

He might be being headhunted in that market—this was part of the prediction flowchart that TM generated when Hersh was tracking "Miss May" in Lady Killer—no need to recruit ROOT, so I am pretty sure it was considering how to rope in Hersh!…

Root has been in the credits all season—the graphics haven't even changed. Acker was signed on as a regular for the program this summer, so the howls started back then. I, for one, love seeing her, and Root is exactly on the arc I thought she'd be on when I saw her signed on this summer. Tying her too closely to Finch