
I didn’t like it nearly as much as you did - partly because it didn’t quite fully commit to the format break, like Behind the Laughter did - but Schreiber was an unexpectedly great guest voice.

Wait, hold on. What episode did you watch? You gave this episode an A-?

The episodes starts with my favorite Bob’s Burger thing:

One assumes at some point during the rivalry, he also gobbled up Ray Rice. 

He can in fact be seen devouring whitebread in the gif up top.

Ironically, Atkins probably has a fuckload of carbs in his diet.

Well then Illinois v. Wardlow is some BS. However, this kid didn’t look nervous, he just looked pissed.

That is a great deep cut in the album. Though, my favorite is “Doctor Jimmy.”

Because Yahweh is the name of God (in Christianity, as well), so it doesn’t make any sense for the structure of a joke about a man who walks the earth. And Muhammad isn’t supposed to be coming back, nor was he best known for walking around and teaching.

Besides, for the audience Ricky is playing to, Jesus is the most

But those religions don’t have much or any power in the West. It’s like asking why SNL makes fun of Trump but not the 4th grade class president of your local elementary school. Both have no idea how government works, but one’s lack of knowledge is damaging.

You do know the Noah story isn’t exclusive to Christianity, right? Besides being taught in both Jewish and Islamic belief, almost every religion has a big flood story. So, you can extrapolate from his joke that it’s about all religions, but he uses the specificity of “Noah” because no one’s ever heard the “Amaterasu”

When people start trying to tell women what they can’t do with their bodies, or gay people whom they can’t marry, or science teachers what they can’t teach in the name of the spider grandmother, then it will need to be taken down a peg. Until that time, Christianity is the dominant religion in the West getting in

It’s become increasingly obvious in retrospect that Gervais cannot really claim The Office as his sole creation tho

Uh, yeah, that’s kind of the joke. You know he wrote, directed, and starred in a movie about how religion is a big con, right?

These ten episode seasons of South Park are wayyyy too short. Feels like it’s over just as it got started.

I enjoyed this season of South Park.

A man whose ego is more important than ethics, morals or country. Everyday I think it can’t get worse and everyday he proves me wrong.

Politics Corner - This Year in Jerusalem edition. Trump decided that what America (and the world) needed is a new international crisis, so he decided to create one. I have never believed for a moment in the ‘Trump is playing super-chess’ theory. Because he is Trump. But I DO believe in the ‘Trump shits on the board to

And that's why many of us believe Moses.