
Neighborhoods don’t devolve into trash heaps when there is no HOA.

When we were searching for a home, I told them no HOA’s.

I have what others would refer to as a “sports car” and it has a spirited exhaust note, high compression and a big thumpy cam. I also like to work on mine in the garage on occasion or swap wheels/tires out for autocross local events. I don’t need some busy body

Tobacco and weed makes a spliff. People would mix shit weed with tobacco to give the weed extra kick, or to pad it out.

Listen, Boltman, if I’ve gotta schlep around a clear plastic purse that puts my tampons on full public display for god and country and the sweet baby Jesus to see, it’s entirely reasonable for them to ask you to take off for a few minutes the mask that completely conceals who you are.

Why do I feel like you just pulled all that out of your ass just now?

Go back to teaching health class and leave the pot terminology to the professionals.

I pity these “super fans” who spend so much time and money and feel they are a part of the team culture. The team doesn’t give a shit about you.

Who the hell mixes Tobacco into their weed? Why would one do such a thing? I’d never do that, ever. In fact, come to think of it, I’ve never ever known anyone who does that, nor have I heard of anyone doing so.

As for the difference between a joint and a blunt... according to every single pot smoker I’ve ever known in

A joint is just weed.

Looks like a joint to me. FAKE NEWS

I smoke a fat one every weekend and still run a low 20 5k. Never pass up free weed, never!

A blunt is a hollowed out cigar. What is pictured is just a joint.

A Canadian on vacation?

I loved the single, angry craig’s list posting by the guy who claims he drove 8 hours for something and didn’t buy. Sounds like some sour grapes by a low-baller to me. Probably one of the people flagging the ads.

Sorry, but no matter how delightful you find this story, are we really going to give him a pass for the unnecessary reference to having his “usual waiter” at Galatoire’s? Not on my watch.

I’m gonna have to say that Drew sounds like a bit of a pepper wuss. We eat entire jalapeños as a snack In Texas. I also regularly eat sandwiches with an entire jalapeño worth of jalapeño slices on it. I’ve made stuffed jalapeños with serranos before. Most should be able to handle the burn, on the way in at least...

The third pass was faster because the driver emptied his bowels while getting sideways at damn near 190 mph on the second pass. The reduced weight was to his advantage, obviously.

Since quite a long time...

I never understood what that should even do for the audience. It was just boring filler stuff, no entertainment or information.

Not knowing these tips (and the science behind them) is not dumb. I doubt many people do know the real ins and outs of it all. And why wouldn’t someone who is inexperienced with this want to research it so they know what they’re up against? That makes no sense. You are looking at this purely from your own personal