It’s white voters in the South, they’ll keep voting for anyone who promises to keep those people away from them and their kids. Voting for politicians that actually produce results that help improve their quality of life pales in comparison to banning books that supposedly turn kids queer/promising to keep drugs out…
Mickey voice: “You bought a ticket to ride motherfucker. The ride is over when I say it’s over, bitch!”
He’s got what, three more years? What’s he going to do after crashing and burning so spectacularly in the coming year? And of course getting taken to the woodshed by Disney? Keep doubling down? Run for Senate?
And how will the idiots in Florida see him down the road? I assume there’s absolutely no chance for a…
Sounds like she’s single again and I’m over here with a dry butthole.
I don’t think that is gonna stop him from being t-bagged by Mickey anytime soon.
April: This is far from over! ~ Desantis
Has Meatball ever met a Disney lawyer? Does he know what the requirements are to be a Disney lawyer? Because they don't take anyone fresh out of law school.
So she’s single then, right?
I do not believe that couple will ever be able to cleanse the taint in their marriage.
My sister is an attorney, and she told me judges frequently pack heat given that they have the power to really negatively affect people’s lives. She knows of one judge who keeps a handgun underneath his bench.
Oh, thank God, what a relief. I was worried someone might make the argument guns are used impulsively. But apparently he could have murdered his wife with a chair, while his adult son sat by and watched, I guess? Fortunately it didn’t come to that.
Ammosexual Hoarder.
Come on, didn't you know the correct term for a rich white guy hoarding guns is “gun collector”?
“I started a relationship with somebody who was married and told me he would leave his wife. In the end, I found out that wasn’t possible,”
Something something freedom.
JFC, what the hell do you need 48 firearms and 26k rounds of ammunition for.... Going to start a little private war?
People are messy and do dumb things all the time. I blame myself for reading this.
But Manning said she’d been unable to enjoy their love affair in peace because she “can’t stand” the man’s wife, who allegedly called the actress a “lunatic.”
Didn’t she JUST go on a weird pro-Trump rant?