Read the article before you fall off your high horse. The parents were right there, and accidentally locked their keys inside.
Read the article before you fall off your high horse. The parents were right there, and accidentally locked their keys inside.
Probably easier to break a side window. But if the baby is in the back seat, maybe they were trying to break the window furthest from the baby? That said, why hand the baby out the window than simply unlock the car and exit through a door? Some mysterious stuff here - but probably mostly panic and related poor…
Yeah, but a side window is likely quicker and easier than a front windshield designed not to shatter. If you want to get to the kid quickly, it’s the hardest window to go after, and not the best choice.
they’re afraid of competition
Just keep in mind that, at a significant correlation, the same people that loudly scream “Won’t somebody think of the children!” are the ones quietly thinking about the children a little too much...
So when a South Texas family accidentally locked the keys in the car, along with their baby
Read the article. the keys got locked in broh. Likely it was an honest mistake.
My 2014 Evo 10 has this and won’t lock you out either. Technology is weird sometimes, keyless should have been the standard by 2016.
Post a pic...or say what the product is?
This was not a case of caretakers forgetting a baby in a hot car. From the article:
They accidentally locked their keys in the car. The parents were part of the group trying to get to the kid to save them.
Didn’t read the article, did you? Sounds like it was an accident on the parents’ behalf.
Did this once but thankfully it was fall in PA and no stiffling heat. Got out of the car and must’ve left the keys on the seat. Went around to get my kid out and the doors were locked. Felt like a moron/terrible parent and had some panic moments about it. But a quick call and the police were there in like 3 minutes…
I thought the same thing, but I also think that if I saw some poor kid baking in a car I would not really stop to think very hard about it, and would just start bashing on the closest part of the thing I thought I could break.
I have had this name for a long time. It’s silly but I like it and am used to it. I’m certainly not going to let copycat, Nazi trolls ruin it for me.
Not the first, nor the last time some far-right troglodyte will get busted for this. There’s a reason why the MAGA crowd is so obsessed about “grooming” kids, because they have firsthand knowledge of doing it.
Of course they are pro-life, more kids to touch... truly gross and in a few years, he will ‘repent’ and be fine down there
Trans people and drag queens aren’t the problem, religious anti-abortion wackos are.
No wonder he wants to put more children into the world. 😳