Fuck you.
Fuck you.
You will not get a sincere response from this idiot because the only thing sincere about it is that it is sincerely a troll; let it starve.
As a non-white, minority voter
lol. this is the saddest fucking sock puppet I’ve ever even seen attempted. troll harder, kiddo.
Thats just word garbage. I understand, too a degree, how things work, you don't and attack due to your ignorance or you are a Russian asset, either way, fuck you.
Calm down, child.
You done crying now? Haha!
They’re republicans. They thought they’d get ALL the power, and what they weren’t given, they’d take.
I mean, we know that he could literally do nothing, but say that he did something and his base will 100% believe him.
It’s not "their" money. It's taxpayers' money, and they give absolutely zero fucked how much of that is wasted, as long as it all goes to then and their friends. So this is a win win win win, where they win the initial culture war, win the money, win the news cycle on appeal, and win that by the time they lose, they…
Yep, he has to scramble to save face as he’s already losing ground to 45 in GOP straw polls and now just handed him a platter of “he thought he beat Disney and they kicked Meatball Ron’s ass instead” on the campaign trail
True, but Florida is next level dumb. You could lead them into a volcano. Haha!
I’d bet good money that Disney has had this specific action ready to go for decades. Just one of many contingency plans for various possible eventualities.
Trump’s indictment is part of the reason that The Root articles are getting an extra helping of MAGA/Kremlin-buddy attention today.
Massie is one of the dumber bigots in the Republican caucus.
Like wtf did these fascists think they were going to do on the board, approve scripts? Cancel shows, movies and casting direction? Like seriously what power did they even think they were going to have?
The GOP is playing an old game in a world. This is the Big Tech world of Millennial, Gen Z, Social Media, LGBTQ world and the GOP is still selling Christianity, Bigotry and Reagan era policies to the minority voters in the south. That’s why there was no red wave. You’d think they would have changed their strategy by…
What’s even dumber is he’s going to “investigate” the move...just walk away, man. You got your “W” with your handpicked board of friends. You already took a victory lap. Just let your buds meet up for a nice dinner every once in a while, act like they’re in charge, and everyone goes about their business.
Right? How many Republican lawmakers have changed the rules on their last days when a Democratic regime was coming into power? This is pretty genius really.
I love it. These right wing chuds have been doing the same things for decades and are now clutching their pearls on their fainting couches because someone did it against them.